希治閣:意亂情迷、諜網情鴛、鳥 希治閣匠心獨運的鏡頭佈局,早在四十年代已大放異彩。在《意亂情迷》中,他將「夢的解析」用作破案緝兇,心理醫生戀上新任院長,卻發現意中人精神受創冒充他人身份。真院長或已遇害,從潛意識抽絲剝繭令真相大白。片中夢境意象來自畫家達利手筆,更添超現實意味。《諜網情鴛》的美女特務,為竊取機密情報不惜嫁入敵陣,卻因身份暴露而陷入險境。製造原子彈只是迷惑觀眾的煙霧,危險愛情才最教人驚心動魄。英格烈褒曼與加利格蘭的超長「一吻」,至今仍為影迷津津樂道。
《意亂情迷》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/spellbound/?lang=zh 《諜網情鴛》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/notorious/?lang=zh 《鳥》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/the-birds/?lang=zh
Hitchcock's classic thriller revealing dreams as gateways to nightmares, SPELLBOUND tells the story of a psychiatrist trying to protect the identity of an amnesia patient accused of murder, while attempting to recover his memory. A dreamscape collaboration with Salvador Dali, the film is imbued with a surrealism of dreams themselves. In NOTORIUS, Hitchcock triumphs a love story in emotional and moral complexity at the center of a plot with both international espionage and compelling fears. Watch over the director's wit as he subverted the American censor limit and made “the longest kiss in the history of the movies.”
THE BIRDS is an apocalyptic tale about our feathered friends turning against humans with a series of deadly attacks. This chilling horror story all looks so real - as actress Tippi Hedren experienced the assault of live gulls being thrown at her during the five-day filming, and she almost broke down.
SPELLBOUND: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/spellbound/ NOTORIUS: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/notorious/ THE BIRDS: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/the-birds/
Hong Kong International Film Festival