?「範式轉移:後九七香港電影」的二十部影片中,你看了多少部?一齊看看宣傳短片! https://youtu.be/gS-paAKxUr8 ✨ 其中十四部會在第四十一屆香港國際電影節期間放映,而其餘六部將於八月份接力放映,全部免費入場,亦會免費派發節目特刊及宣傳品,萬勿錯過!
? Among the twenty films under "Paradigm Shift: Post-97 Hong Kong Cinema", how many have you watched? Let's have a look at the trailer! https://youtu.be/gS-paAKxUr8 ✨ Fourteen films will be presented during HKIFF41 while the remaining six films will be presented in August. Free admission for all screenings. The programme booklet and souvenir will be distributed for free. Don't miss it!
Hong Kong International Film Festival