? 堅盧治絕非「愚蠢愛國者」,面對英國政府「殺無赦」窮追猛打,他索性出走別國拍攝他鄉故事,狠批祖國依然毫不留情。《再見祖國》東德音樂家變節投奔西方後發現資本主義的黑暗;《秘密議程》美國人權律師在都柏林被殺身亡揭發政治陰謀;《土地與自由》利物浦失業青年參與西班牙內戰功敗垂成,政治鬥爭與革命血戰同樣教人驚心動魄。一生以電影推動社會改革,盧治比起喊打喊殺的自封「愛國者」,肯定更加愛國。
《再見祖國》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/fatherland/ 《秘密議程》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/hidden-agenda/ 《土地與自由》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/land-and-freedom/
? Facing ban and censorship in his home country, Ken Loach did not take on the “mentality of losers”, but continued to fight against manipulation and bureaucracy in new grounds. FATHERLAND communicates an East German defector’s anguish and loss in the western capitalistic world; HIDDEN AGENDA deals with an investigation exploring the dirty war in Northern Ireland; LAND AND FREEDOM looks at the history of socialism through a Liverpudlian idealist fighting in the Spanish Civil War. Suppression of free speech may appear an effective tactic, but a fighter who never gives up cannot be beaten.
FATHERLAND: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/fatherland/ HIDDEN AGENDA: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/hidden-agenda/ LAND AND FREEDOM: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/land-and-freedom/
Hong Kong International Film Festival