? 【電影節每日影訊】:聽局內人說《局外人的貪戀》
// 《局外人的貪戀》的一個重要特點,是使用菲林等多種素材,運用多種技術包括繪畫、刮劃、浸染等,再通過動畫效果將一張張靜態圖像連結,這與一般由動態影像構成的電影不同。導演杜漢彬表示,創作過程中大部分是先有影像,再為其配樂,影像佔據主導地位,聲音則作為輔助。//
映後分享詳細記錄:http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/detail?id=57 下一場放映場次:16/4 19:30 香港藝術中心
? [#HKIFF41 Festival Daily] Covets of an Outsider: An insider's guide
// Director Toh Hun Ping also shared with the audience the materials and the techniques he used in the videos. Examples shown were some films for still photos, in which he used to create two layers of images, played with various techniques such as bleaching, scratching and painting. //
Full article: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/detail?id=57 Next Screening: 16/4 19:30 Hong Kong Arts Centre
Hong Kong International Film Festival