? 【電影節每日影訊】:十九年後命運再光臨
// 《#愈快樂愈墮落》中的音樂吸引了不少觀眾的注意力。導演 #關錦鵬 稱自己很信任編劇和配樂于逸堯的選擇,王菲與黃耀明不同版本《#暗湧》的前後安排正是由于逸堯提議的。原本黃耀明的版本並不在計劃內,決定在片尾換作男聲來呈現這首歌到黃耀明錄製完成,竟都是24小時內發生的事。魏紹恩毫不掩飾自己對《暗湧》這首歌的喜愛,他尤其鍾愛「歷史在重演,這麼煩囂城中,沒理由,相戀可以沒有暗湧」這句歌詞,因為他認為歌詞似反應了當時的中英關係。//
? [#HKIFF41 Festival Daily] #StanleyKwan and #JimmyNgai reunited at #HoldYouTight screening
// The film is also memorable for its sharp use of Cantopop, masterminded by scriptwriter Jimmy Ngai and music design Yu Yat-yiu, and for its theme song featuring Faye Wang and Anthony Wong Yiu-ming in two different versions. Ngai said there were a couple of lyrics he felt strongly about. “It feels like the Sino-British relations (at the time).” He further noted that the date referred at the end of the film was the time when the 1984 Joint Declaration came about, posing questions on lost of identity in both Hong Kong’s future and sexual orientation. //
Full article: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/detail?id=61
Hong Kong International Film Festival