? 【電影節每日影訊】低調樂團耍酷的銀幕奇蹟
改編自日本人氣樂團 #GReeeeN 出道故事的《奇蹟,降臨的一天》在4月17日於香港文化中心舉行國際首映。香港國際電影節觀眾先睹為快,看得爆笑又拍手,現場氣氛熱烈。映後,導演 #兼重淳 現身解答影迷的提問。
全文請按 http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/detail?id=72
? [#HKIFF41 Festival Daily] Kiseki: Sobito of That Day: Creating the power of music on screen
Adapted from the story about the launching of the popular but low-key Japanese band GReeeeN, Kiseki: Sobito of That Day made its world premiere at HKIFF41 on 17 April at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. The boisterous audience filled the cinema with applause and laughter, and members were keen to raise their questions to director #KaneshigeAtsushi at the post-screening talk.
Full article: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/detail?id=72
Hong Kong International Film Festival