? 電影節第二日回顧:《#香港製造》導演 #陳果 一反「觀眾問導演」的傳統,在台上反問年青觀眾過了二十年重看此片,有何感想?他還選中一個在1997年只有七歲的觀眾。導演更與攝影師柯星沛、監製余偉國大談當初用過期菲林拍攝的困難及趣事。映後座談會氣氛熱烈,不少觀眾站起來鼓掌歡呼。導演說二十年後再看不知有何分別,監製笑說不如三十年後重看,因為他希望「五十年不變」。
? #HKIFF41 Day 2 Recap: During general Q&A sessions, it is always the audience asking questions, but after the screening of #MadeinHongKong last night, #FruitChan is more curious how the young audience think about the film. An audience said he was only 7 when the film was released in 1997. Chan shared shared many difficulties of shooting with expired films back then, with his old partners Sing-pui O and Daniel Yu, cinematographer and producer of the film
Hong Kong International Film Festival