說起《歌聲魅影》,由韋伯改編的同名音樂劇最為耳熟能詳,但鮮為人知是其原著為百多年前的法國小說(Le Fantôme de l'Opéra)。小說出版以來,全世界爭相重新詮釋,單是改編的電影便超過50部,從默片到有聲、恐怖片到音樂劇等包羅萬有。
Cine Fan今次精選五部作品,從1925年荷里活影響深遠的《歌場魅影》,到白賴仁狄龐馬的《魅影歌聲》及張國榮主演的《夜半歌聲》。香港版本可說是重拍中國恐怖片濫觴──馬徐維邦的《夜半歌聲》,此片更被譽為眾多改編中最扣人心弦和創意澎湃之作。《夜半歌聲》及其後的《夜半歌聲續集》融入民初時代背景,借古諷今,保留原著冷峻神秘的風格外,還利用黑白片特殊的光影效果營造強烈恐怖氛圍。今次選映了馬徐此二作的全新修復版本,並有電影和音樂學者主講的座談會。
詳情:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/category/programme/jan-feb-mar-programmes-2017/?lang=zh Phantoms of the Cinema
Thanks to Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical version, "The Phantom of the Opera" gains its popularity worldwide and becomes one of the most successful pieces of entertainment of all time, but perhaps only a few know its French origin, Gaston Leroux's "Le Fantôme de l’Opéra". Since the novel's publication it has become the object of constant creative re-interpretation all over the world, from silent films and talkies, horror films and musicals, and more.
Cine Fan is proud to present five adaptations, starting with the enormously influential 1925 Hollywood adaptation, complete with a full score and color tinted footage, and ending with a double bill of 'quasi-musicals': Brian De Palma's PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE and THE PHANTOM LOVER, starring Leslie Cheung. The latter may well be said to be a remake of Maxu Weibang's SONG AT MIDNIGHT. In this film and its sequel SONG AT MIDNIGHT, PART II, Maxu's German Expressionist cinematography is coupled with highly stagy, fluid mise-en-scene. Cine Fan will present both Maxu's adaptations in newly-restored versions, followed by a roundtable with film and music scholars.
For details: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/category/programme/jan-feb-mar-programmes-2017/
Hong Kong International Film Festival