? 第四十一屆香港國際電影節頒獎禮之夜圓滿結束,包括觀眾票選大獎、火鳥大獎競賽項目下的「新秀電影競賽」、「紀錄片競賽」和「國際短片競賽」,以及「國際影評人聯盟獎」與「天主教文化獎」。當中有沒有你欣賞的電影?
完整得獎名單和評審的話,請按 http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/detail?id=94
At Awards Gala of #HKIFF41, the winning films for “Young Cinema Competition”, the “Documentary Competition”, and the “Short Film Competition” under the Firebird Award Competition, as well as the “FIPRESCI Prize”, the “SIGNIS Award”, and the newly added “Audience Choice Award”, supported by Hearts On Fire, were announced. Is there any of your favorite films on the list?
Find the full winner list and jury's citation from our Festival Daily: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/detail?id=94
Hong Kong International Film Festival