布烈遜:《溫柔女子》、《布朗森林的貴婦》 一個是溫柔的窮家女,珍視靈魂卻被錯配婚姻的暴烈所摧毀 ;一個是高傲的富家女,企圖支配人心報復花心男友。一正一反,兩人在製造悲劇的兩面。《溫柔女子》與《布朗森林的貴婦》的電影語言架構儘管不同,布烈遜沉靜的精神與風格始終如一:省略情節的敘事面貌,讓觀眾疏離靜觀劇情轉折,思索人物的靈魂深處。
名導推薦: 鍾拿斯麥格斯:「《溫柔女子》是關於相對的電影。對角、對望。關於視而不見的眼睛。關於生死交切。關於不能通往生命的窗。關於兩個對角的生命。」 杜魯福:「《布朗森林的貴婦》是風格的練習,就像名著Madame de...。不過有別於作家路易絲狄維莫蓮的簡明風格那樣易於欣賞,布烈遜剛好相反,其偏執的風格與刻苦的提煉,更值得我們尊重。」
《#溫柔女子》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/a-gentle-woman/ 《#布朗森林的貴婦》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/ladies-of-the-park/
Elle is a gentle and whimsical woman who wants to escape from her husband and yearn for freedom by plunging to her death; Hélène is a wealthy lady seeking vengeance on her faithless lover by arranging him to marry a prostitute. Although Dominique Sanda is a model and Maria Casares a professional actress, Bresson, in removing all the traces of theatricality, lets the audience experience the sober emotions and smoldering moods of these two contrasting female figures, and engage us in their unknowable inner world.
Filmmakers' Recommendations: Jonas Mekas: "A GENTLE WOMAN is a film about diagonals. Diagonal angles, diagonal glances. About eyes that never really meet. ...About how life and death intercut with each other. ...About a window which doesn't lead into life. ...About two diagonal lives." Francois Truffaut: "LADIES OF THE PARK is an exercise in style, like the book Madame de... But if, with Louise de Vilmorin, our admiration is easily and facilely elicited, it is the opposite with Bresson, whose stubbornness and laborious work of refining finally commands our respect."
Hong Kong International Film Festival