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Problem of my Brithday Jam

Coz there is heavy raining out side, and the H1N1 make the school closed, we can't use the GMY tomorrow, I am sorry for that! If someone really wanna come, please call me before you move, my number is 61555456.

由於香島中學因H1N1 的關係暫停開放, 體操場地暫停使用。 而現在外面又下著大雨, 雷電交加, 我們明天的行程會有更改, 如有人依然想來的話, 請於起身前打電話給我, 我的電話是61555456。



Thx everybody, but there are nothing I can do, feel so shitly.



over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
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怎樣也好 fung 生日快樂
over 15 years ago


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