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Govad Wong
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Just done a new video for HKPA

Just done a video for my crew- HKPA, this time is a individual video,  for HKPA Traucer- Steven, he show us what is the real parkour, he really star at point a and keep doing parkour to point b, this is Parkour! Respect! You can see that in the video, there is no trickz, just some movement really useful and functional, parkour is a things let you to "point to point", that isn't a thing let you show off during you running.

Check the video here: 

about 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Photo 23009
一部only, 拍完又再做多次再拍, 因為一拍果個都要走埋一份, 同用相機仔, 所以拍到好搖
about 17 years ago
Photo 23009
多謝妳! 我地會繼續努力, 其實, 只要有自己既夢, 人人都可以不顧一切!
about 17 years ago
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
Looks great!!!!
about 17 years ago


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