Official Artist
David Lee
Fashion / Costume Designer , Photographer
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To Believe in One-Self

Every person has hidden potential! The question is how to realize this potential!? G-TOX is not just another superficial fashion brand, it is Gravity TO eXtreme - a Philosophy and Attitude about pushing your mind to new limits and physically excelling in whatever we dream or desire to do!

  G-TOX PHILOSOPHY - To Believe in One-Self! The day we are born we begin to die! Life is a precious entity often taken for granted and often forgotten. Everything has a purpose, we all have our role in Life, but the question is:

                                                          What do we Believe?

                                                            What do we Want?

                                                             How to Achieve?

Everyday, decisions that affect our future lives have to be made. We should not be afraid of hardship or difficulties, but to embrace challenges and push ourselves to new limits with thoughts and decisions that test us both physically and mentally. Only by embracing and overcoming adversity can real substance and self-confidence be found and developed!

                                         Embrace Life - It will GIVE what YOU Put In!

As we age and fall into the monotonous rhythm of society, our thirst for knowledge and experiences often fades or worse dies as we become another statistic in the social structure of humanity and the system. Labelled in society, we move through life collecting Labels upon Labels. Life can be short, Life can be long, but the importance is not Labels but a Life Full of Experiences!

Life is about Positive and Negative Experiences! Experiences we should endeavour to embrace with Passion and Perseverance, to find all that is Positive and to Learn what is Negative. Through Life Experiences we must endeavour to take decisions that will result in Positive Experiences. Sometimes they are easy, but more often than not, the difficult ones are the ones worth having!

                                  The more Difficult it is, the more it is Worth Having!

Nothing comes to those who do not have the perseverance to succeed! We cannot be afraid of pain or suffering, but to willingly accept each difficulty as another new challenge and to push our abilities to higher limits! Only by embracing and overcoming adversity can real substance, character and confidence be found and developed!

As we transition from child to adult we are engulfed into the urban matrix of life and the system’s conditioning of the infamous job. However, what we must never forget and not confuse is we must:

                                        NOT WORK TO LIVE, but LIVE TO WORK!

                         Life has Meaning and until we die we must find that Meaning!

With passion for Life, G-TOX advocates a Freestyle Lifestyle Philosophy to be shared amongst all regardless of Age, Race or Colour. With no boundaries, it is here to Inspire, Motivate and Guide the potential in all to find inner self and to create meaning in life.

As Children, Life is Fresh and Exciting with constant new Stimulation and Learning. However, as we transition from Child to Adult, many forget that search or Desire for Fulfilment and the eliciting of emotions from Achievements, Satisfaction and Joy.

                           When was the Last time you did something for the First time?

To Initiate and Ignite the Senses to find Meaning, INSPIRATION is the key! G-TOX is a modern Fashion, Philosophy and Lifestyle that aims to Inspire all who set Eyes. To make a mistake is to be human, to believe in One-Self is G-TOX.

                                             CONFIDENCE – The Mental Edge

Finding Confidence in our skills, abilities and in Life is vital in the G-TOX Freestyle Lifestyle. Real Confidence is one of the most difficult attributes to Find, Develop and Keep.

Confidence does not come easily, but once found there must be DETERMINATON, DEDICATION and DISCIPLINE to remain sharp and solid. It is a fragile ephemeral state of mind that applies to all walks of life in everything we Think, Touch or Do and can be lost as easily as it is found.


We must learn to know the difference between Real Confidence and the deceptively similar of Self-Delusion!

Each second, each minute, each hour, each day, we move through life pre-setting our path based on peripheral influences that stir our thoughts, evoking emotions that keep us alive. The question is how alive are we?

                                                 LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT

                                                 When we are alive, we must:


                        LIVE and DREAM – Dreams are what the Future are Made!

                                         LIVE and LEARN – To Live is to Learn!

                      LIVE and DIE – The day we Stop Learning is the day we Die!

“Our Life is in our hands it is what you make it. The more difficult it is, the more it is worth having. To be challenged and to succeed, is to find fulfilment and meaning. Live Life to the Full! Don’t waste it!" David Lee

over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 23009
hey you know? Chase is the best tricker!!! He is my hero!!!
about 16 years ago
Photo 38281
wow got so much heart in your brand it self. really deep. and right on point where most ppl should think to them selves and see it that way. nice gear btw!
about 16 years ago


Life is about find Meaning! Without Meaning it is just another passing existence! To find Meaning we have to continually strive to Learn, the day we stop Learni

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english, cantonese
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
September 8, 2008