Official Artist
Frederic Ambroisine
Director , Screenwriter , Magazine Editor
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Last December, in the cold Paris, I shot and interviewed director Pierre Laffargue about his first feature film, “ Black”, an action movie about a French robber with African origins (played by MC Jean Gab’1), who decide to fly to Africa for the first time to steal some very expensive diamonds in a local bank.  


Pierre Laffargue (right) and MC Jean Gab'1 (center) on the set of "Black"A few days later, I also interviewed MC Jean Gab’1himself - real name: Charles M’Bouss - who’s also a rapper (eight years ago, he released a very controversial song “ J’t’emmerde” a.k.a. “ Fuck You”, hitting on almost all the artists of the French rap industry).


MC Jean Gab'1 in "Black"But before becoming an artist, MC Jean Gab’1 was actually a real robber (17 registered hold-ups!) and even spent 7 years in prison: 2 inFranceand 5 in…Germany.


MC Jean Gab'1 & Carole Karemera in "Black"And the fact that MC Jean Gab’1 is now fluent in German was really convenient for the 40-minute interview I had with him, since I was doing it for German distribution company of “ Black”, Koch Media.


But I don’t speak German at all, so the interview was quite funny: I was asking him the questions in French and he was answering in German!


"Black" German Blu-RayAnyway, both Pierre Laffargue and MC Jean Gab’1 exclusive interviews will be available as extra features on “ Black” German DVD & Blu-ray, which will be released as “ Black - Straßen in Flammen” (“ Black – Streets of Fire”) on April 8 th, 2011.Frédéric Ambroisine (March 15th2011)

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