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Frederic Ambroisine
Director , Screenwriter , Magazine Editor
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Johnnie to: "The future of Hong Kong cinema? The talents from the Fresh Wave Festival!"

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Excerpt from Udine Far East Film Festival press release from April 21 st, 2012:

«The future of Hong Kong cinema? It’s them: Fresh Wave young directors!». Word of Johnnie TO, guest at the fourteenth edition of Far East Film,to present his comedy and, as mentioned, four short-films from the Fresh Wave Short Film Festival.«You, guys, have to shoot as many movies as you can – added the grand master, talking to Wong Wai-kit, Mo Lai and Li Yin-fung, the three who followed him to Udine – and, once you are done shooting them, you must bring them right away to Far East Film! ».

No wonder, the Friulian Festival is the first Western bank touched by Mister TO to promote his students’ works (pieces that had never before left the Asian border!). On June 29 th, they will move to the tenth edition of

Paris Cinéma, taking part in the   section: a dense tribute to the former British colony’s cinema.

Fresh Wave, run by Johnnie TO himself on behalf of Hong Kong Arts Development Council, is the voice of young Hong Kong talents and found in this legendary director (President of Film and Media Arts Group) a solid pillar and an enthusiastic international ambassador: discovering, nurturing and promoting the of directors and filmmakers are, according to him, the best way to preserve the creative soul of his beloved Hong Kong and to make sure it will persevere in the future.

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