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Frederic Ambroisine
Director , Screenwriter , Magazine Editor
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13 TV films directed by Ann Hui between 1976 and 1978, for TVB(Television Broadcasts Limited), ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) and RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong) -  were presented at the Far East Film Festival from April 25 th to April 28 th, and now it’s over.Ann Hui at the Visionario (April 25th, 2009)*I could watch only one of them ( Dragon, Tiger, Panther, a story about adultery) at the theater, because the last few days, I also had to do interviews at the same time at the (15-20 minutes walking from there).

 A film still from "Social Worker: Ah Sze" (1976).

Also, the festival continues until May 2 nd, and there’s a video room for the press where it’s possible to watch all the festival movies… except Ann Hui TV works. I want to cry because most of those movies will never be showed again (only Ann Hui’s RTKH “ Beyond the Lion Rock” movies are available on DVD).


Anyway, I could attend the press conference (May 27 th) and panel discussion (May 28 th) with Ann Hui, and watched one of her last movie on big screen ( The Way We Are).Press meeting with Ann Hui (April 27th, 2009)For some reasons, her last movie, Night and Fog, starring Simon Yam (one of his best performance!), which is inspired by a real murder case, was not screened in Udine. Since I saw this great movie at the HKIFFa few weeks ago, I could ask her some questions about it during the press meeting.


Concerning the TV works that I missed, there’s at least, a very nice 96-page book available about them and Ann Hui carreer (including a big interview of her), published by the festival, and wrote by Tim Youngs, Law Kar and Shu Kei.


Frédéric Ambroisine (April 29 th, 2009)

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