International Fire Bird
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It's been a long time since blogging last

Hi All,

It's been awhile since we last blogged, and that is due to the fact that there hasn't been much going on in the FBI camp of late. So, what's happened in the meatime?

We played a show at the Hang Out for teenagers. You know we always like to do All-Ages gigs so that more of our fans can come. They are usually on the wilder side too, except this night it was pretty tame.

You can take a look at one of our latest songs, and please do tell me what you think of it.  It is called 'The Way of the Fist'.

The Way of the Fist @ The Hang Out




We participated in teh final for the M1 Bar competition and unfortunately we didn't win. We put on an impressive performance that had all of our fans coming up to us to say, "You have got it in the bag!" (meaning we would likely win). All of these people built up our egos so much that we thought we were going to win, then were shocked in the end when they called out 'Peri M'. Well done to Peri M. I think their style more suited what the judges were after. I can't compete against a female vocalist, she'll beat me hands down. lol!

We were lucky that one of our fans recorded our performance. So, you can check it out here yourself. Thanks Blackie, you do a great job with the camera!


Man Love! @ The M1 Bar Finals


The Masquerade @ The M1 Bar Finals



So, what since? We were supposed to play at the LKF Beerfest... but they cancelled all of the bands due to the rain on the Saturday we were meant to play. The rain stopped about 4pm and then it was a beautful day, but they didn't ask us back to play. So, we are so sorry for any inconvenience. We were so excited to play this show, but ohwell.

So, what's next? I am going to Australia soon for a couple of weeks and when I come back we are going to work on a few new songs. We need to work really hard so that we have a few new songs ready before we play next. We think it is about time. There is one song in particular that I am really looking forward to that Archvictor has composed. It is going to be another hard and fast song with all the inbetweens.

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful summer vacation. We will see you when we see you! We love your support!




15 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 38940
Yeah, the weather here has been really nice. I have been going to the pool everyday for the past week. Lovely!
15 年多 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
September 21, 2007