International Fire Bird
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Blog: Monday, Mar 10

Tom Lee Music Carnival(2/3/2008)

Notes from a Gwailo:-

It was great to play on the TST harbour close to the avenue of the stars. It was a good oppurtunity for us to expose our music to a wide variety of listeners. At first, I thought that our style of music wouldn't be very alluring to this crowd because of it's loudness and intensity. But, I was so wrong. The auditorium was packed and people were lining up just to get a glimpse of F.B.I., and they didn't look like leaving anytime soon.

I had returned to Hong Kong the day before from an unexpected trip to Australia. Originally I was returning to attend my grandmother’s funeral, who passed away at 88 years of age. But, while I was back in Perth, my Mum’s best friend passed away aswell. Very sad times. So, I needed to attend two funerals in two days. The same church and the same cemetery. Deja vu!

I dedicated 'Loneliness' to them.

When it came time for the Tom Lee show I wasn’t really feeling the energy, which is as can be expected. I felt like I screamed more than sung some of the songs as I was feeling the frustrations of life and it’s complexities. I tried to jump around to get the feeling back, but it only proved to hamper my singing. Despite that, I think that I sung 'Don't quit your day job' better than I had done before. And to my amazement, the crowd cheered ecstatically for 'The Masquerade'.

As usual, the boys were great and really proved why they are my 'Man Love’. They are my saviours from this boring life and it’s with their help that I can really make the most out of life. However long or short it may be.

After the show, we all met up at Josie Ho concert to rock out together. She put on a great performance and I really liked the way the concert was structured. So many special guests and they are all my favourites. Personally, I enjoyed it when Paul Wong came out and played ’Smells like Teen Spirit’ with Josie. I’m sure he noticed that FBI was in the crowd rocking out the hardest!

It is really great to be a part of F.B.I.

Man Love!

Enjoy~ ^^

Man Love - not in a gay way (original)

Don't quit your day job (original)

Loneliness (original)

Death to emo  (original)

The Masquerade  (original)


we looked the same.......haha, funny picture

Have dinner with derrick and kitty before going to Josie Ho's concert


AudioTraffic CD release party

(my hero)

F.B.I. and my woman

Thanks so much~!!!!!



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english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
September 21, 2007