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'Boys Are Easy'

I was flipping channels and happened upon another classic HK 'Golden Age'  picture that I hadn't seen before...   I could tell right away that it was an early 90's Wong Jing film...  Turns out it was 1993's 'Boys Are Easy' (追男仔)

But what I was amazed about was how many big names were in this:

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares

Tai Chi 2

One of the upsides of being home sick is that it gave me the opportunity a chance to finally sit down and finish watching a DVD I started a few weeks back...  'Tai Chi 2'....

For those who aren't familiar with it,  'Tai Chi 2' was actually former Beijing Wushu Team member Wu Jing's first stab at a feature film.    The powers that be managed to get him a pretty opportunity too -  Yuan Wo...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

Worst Title Ever...

If my memory serves me correctly, 'The Banquet' (夜宴) has no legends, nor scorpions (black or otherwise)...  why do they keep having to come up with titles like this? How do they pick these?!?  :-P

Update: looking at the press coverage and comments left for this blog it looks like two things are universally agreed upon:

1) Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  31 comments  0 shares

January's A-Yue Concert...

From the 'better late than never' category... I finally edited up my video from January 19th's A-yue (aka 張震嶽, Chang Chen-yue) concert at Star Hall in Kowloon Bay ( where Josie's concert will be held in just 3 weeks!)

This day was actually Pat's birthday and after the concert we went on to celebrate Pat's birthday ( Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Oh Snap...

I'd like to think it has little to do with that Edison Laptop-gate thing... but I'd be lying if I thought it was just about my great blogging!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  25 comments  0 shares

Macau pt 2 - Maids of Macau...

Before I share the second set of pictures from my Macau trip last weekend,  first let me share this new Hong Kong celebrity sex photo that I received in my inbox...


OK, OK,  bad joke,  its just that p0rn0graphic statue that they have next to the St. Paul'...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

L: Change the World (L 之終章‧最後的23天)

Its been about a year and a half since I saw the first 'Death Note' movie.  I enjoyed it for its originality and characters, even if it was a bit overly complicated and confusing at time (perhaps cause i never watched the anime before).  I went back to see the sequel a few months later.  Apparently someone decided to make a spin-off using one of the main characters - the bizarre, quirk...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Macau - pt 1!

Last Sunday, while Mio-chan was in town, I took her for an afternoon trip to Macau.  Its only an hour away by boat, so we meet up at the ferry terminal at noon and headed over.  Luckily the weather was clear and a bit warmer than the previous (and following) few days....

Since I have been here now 4-5 times as a tour guide and tourist ( click here for the most recent trip),  I didn't take a lot of pictures at all th...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares


Tuesday night Pat and I went with L-T to Pacific Place to catch the big new years movie - Stephen Chow's eagerly awaited 'CJ7' (co-produced and co-written by AnD artist Vincent Kok btw).

Without giving away any thing you can't see from the promotional materials - Chow plays a poor laborer who is bringing up a young son. He ends up finding a strange toy in t...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

Karaoke with the Stars...

Saturday night a few of us met up for dinner in LKF.   Normally I don't like rice porridge (粥), but the weather has been so cold and rainy the last few days,  this was a welcome addition to our meal:

I passed on the preserved egg thing though...


Then...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares


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