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Hardpack at Silly-Thing Party

Another one hot-of-the-presses BLOG:

Tonight our friends at Silly Thing hosted yet another fun event (last time was the Jun Takahashi Party in July).    This time it was to inaugurate their newly relaunched web property think-silly.com an...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

Maids of Shenzhen - 中国のメードカフェ!本当!

As frequent etchy blog readers know - because I lived in Japan for two years, I have had the opportunity to learn about the wondrous Japanese invention known as the 'Maid Cafe' ( blog and blog) and its derivative forms ( Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Charlie Brown... the cafe! 香港のチャーリー・ブラウン・カフェ

No matter how long you live in a place, there's always something more to see that you haven't had a chance to discover yet...  this week marks the 2nd anniversary of my moving to HK, but I just found out I had been MISSING OUT! 

It turns out Hong Kong has a chain of cafes known as the 'Charlie Brown Cafe'.... and its not named after the famed Washington Redskins football player from the 80s...<...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  27 comments  0 shares

Tokyo August - pt 10 - Narita Terminal

not much left to blog about, just a few fun pictures i took in the recently renovated terminal at Narita:

maybe its been a while since i was in this terminal... (i usually only fly ANA or United to Tokyo...) but it seemed to be recently renovated.  They had nice hardwood flooring and open spacious lounge areas with nice decorations...

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about 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

Tokyo August pt 8 - Ninja Restuarant! 忍者レストラン

wow, its been a week since we were in Tokyo! Let me try to pump out a few more interesting Japan blogs before I get too far behind! :-P


After Akiba we met up with a few of our Tokyo friends for some delicious dinner:

(No this wasn't a 合コン... and yes, i kept wearing my geek t-shirt the whole night).

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about 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

Tokyo August pt 9 - Para Para Pat + all night Karaoke

Para Para Pat returns! And he brought a few friends:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhCGiWk9u5A

Let me take a step back and explain.  After the ninja restaurant, we met up with Mai-chan and went to a nearby Karaoke box place.  The room we got was tiny, but it was big on features, including this dramatic black lighting: パラパラした!今回カラオケ部屋中でした。忍者レストラン後僕達はカラオケへ行った。最近よく香港で友達と一緒カラオケへ行くけど、パットとステベン君は日本でカラオケしたことがない。。。Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  21 comments  0 shares

Tokyo August pt 7 - Next Stop - Akiba!

Pat, Swang and I took the train down to Akihabara, the electronics district of Tokyo which has also transformed into the video game, anime and manga (and related porn) district..

土曜日晩パット君、ステイベン君と私は一緒秋葉原へ行った!もちろんメード喫茶店へ行った!(僕は毎回東京に居る、 メイドRead more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

Talking out of both sides of your mouth...

This is why i don't put much value in the talking heads on TV:

Its funny to see how excited everyone is trying to look about Sarah Palin.    She could be the next Fred Thompson! :-P

about 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

Tokyo August pt 6 - TV gangsta...

On Saturday Stephen and I met up with Mio and Taiga to see Mai H-chan's stage play (yes, my 2nd stage play in three days! both in Japanese).  This one was a lot easier to follow than Thursday's, and a lot more light-hearted material... its a comedy called 'Get My Soul', about Chinese gangsters, led by yes, a hemaphrodite gang boss, who force three guys to steal some jewelry, but they lose the mobile phone the gangsters are going to use to set up the drop off. they send a ...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

Tokyo August pt 5 - Friday Night in Roppongi

As I mentioned in this blog from early Saturday,  we went to Roppongi on Friday night with Mio-chan and Shimizu-san.  Unfortunately Koga-san is in Korea eating all those desserts, so we weren't able to see him this time.    先週金曜日に、東京の六本木で清水さんとミオちゃんと一緒食事した。雨一杯降ったけど、焼鳥屋を見つけた。美味しそう?

By the tim...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares


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