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Tokyo August pt 6 - TV gangsta...

On Saturday Stephen and I met up with Mio and Taiga to see Mai H-chan's stage play (yes, my 2nd stage play in three days! both in Japanese).  This one was a lot easier to follow than Thursday's, and a lot more light-hearted material... its a comedy called 'Get My Soul', about Chinese gangsters, led by yes, a hemaphrodite gang boss, who force three guys to steal some jewelry, but they lose the mobile phone the gangsters are going to use to set up the drop off. they send a katana wielding hit-man who wears... assless pants (cause he has eyes on his ass, and if he wears pants he can't use them). 

Definitely a lot easier to follow than the one we went to watch on Thursday, and also a lot more light-hearted material. ;-)

土曜日午後僕とStephenはミオちゃんとタイガ君一緒はマイちゃんのステージショウへ行って見た。面白かった!コメディだったから、 木曜日のドラマより分かりやすい!(僕の日本語下手から)。難しいけど、話が面白だった。ニュウハフのヤクザボス居た、お尻見えるの侍も居た。。。

After the show we met up with Mai to congratulate her for a good job:

I insisted on getting a picture w/ the TV guy...  he was quite buff actually... Mai said she did his make-up. ニュウハフちゃん

Sorry everyone, no pictures of the assless pants guy...

Next Stop, meet up with Pat and then go to the Ikebukuro Ichiran!  Yes, our second bowl of ramen within about 16 hours... :-P ショウ後、パット君と一緒 池袋の一蘭へ行った(もう一度!)

I pretty much do the same thing every time... i have honed my tastes down to one choice.

Stephen was still experimenting....

Actually patrick ate before we met up, and then he ate again, so by the time we got to the train, he was in a food coma:

Don't worry, of course we didn't get off the train w/o waking him up first...

next stop.... 秋葉!

about 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Photo 23329
about 16 years ago
Elena dd unset 18
y he is always tired..or he didn't sleep at all,always working?
about 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
elena - too much pachinko...
about 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
jane - no, cause you can't see the staff, they're behind the curtain...
about 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ac100 - no, but he will eventually. ;-)
about 16 years ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
sleeping or praying?
over 15 years ago


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