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Asian Film Review: 'Aftershock' (唐山大地)

Just got back from watching Feng Xiaogang's latest film 'Aftershock'... a real emotionally heavy piece about a family that survives the Great Tangshan Earthquake of 1976 that killed at least 240,000 people (some estimates put the number closer to 600,000 though!)

The Chi...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Jet Li's Expendables 8-bit Flash Game. Play it w/o Facebook Stealing all your personal info!


Somehow I am on Lionsgate film's blogger mailing list and they keep sending me press releases about ' The Expendables'.   They sent me an announcement about their 8-bit (ie Fami-con style) flash game week or two ago.  Being a retro game fan, I was looking forward to trying it out, but I was disappointed that the only way to play it was via the Expendables Facebook page,  and in order to play the game, you had to agree to ...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

feedback on the share buttons...

so I think I can safely assume that the people reading my blog regularly include most of the 'power' users on this site. 

AS you undoubtedly noted,  we added a few 'share' buttons to the bottom of the blogs.  This is a quick test of something I've wanted to do for a while (i couldn't get the programmers to do it, so I went and did it myself!)

Anyway...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares

Even I can't resist temptation sometimes #waffles

Those of you who know me personally know I can be very stubborn and stoic (and just plain picky) when it comes to certain things...  not drinking or smoking are two of the major ones...  I just generally don't give in to temptations much...   today I strayed a bit.

While I was waiting for the bus to come back to the office, I smelled some of the egg-waffle snacks that are popular here.... I don't know the exact name... but they definitely smell good.  :-P

Of course I had to snap a ...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  26 comments  0 shares

End of an Era... The passing of the Solar 2000|下一個時代就開始,我的單車就去世!

Although I wasn't doing as many bicycling blogs recently,  I had still been doing a lot of biking on weekends this past year.   

As you may know, I bought my bicycle in September 2006 when I first moved to HK.  The first year I used it to commute to work at the University from my house in Ma On Shan.  After I moved to Hung Hom (and eventually HK Island), my bike stayed in the countryside of HK, where I would ri...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

This is called 'locking your bicycle' in Japan...

I don't need to tell you that Japan is a very safe place, but I think few of us realize HOW safe it really is.  Not only is there almost no violent crime, but even petty crime is at such a low level that boggles the mind of any citizen of a major city anywhere else in today's world. 

Case in point: 

This is the packaging on a Japanese loc...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  24 comments  0 shares

People of Walmart

Jetrinsent this to me...


The most amazing thing is that the first 5 or 6 pages of entries are just from the last week. :-O

about 14 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

'Triple Tap' (槍王之王) Hong Kong Premiere!|《槍王之王》香港電影首映典禮 古天樂吳彥祖李冰冰蔡卓妍

Here's some of my pictures from the HK premiere of 'Triple Tap', aka 槍王之王,  ( click here for my early review of the film).   我的照片從《槍王之王》香港電影首映典禮 古天樂和吳彥祖都在!

They did a stage event in iSquare mall's 4th floor be...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

Asian Film Review: 'Triple Tap' (槍王之王)|「槍王之王」影評

I just got back from the HK premiere of Derek Yee's 'Triple Tap' (槍王之王), starring Daniel Wu and Louis Koo as the leads, with all stars Li Bingbing, Charlene Choi, Alex Fong, Lam Suet, Chapman To and Andrew Linsupporting.    I'm a big fan of HK style crime films, and a big fan of Derek Yee, so I was expecting to ...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  25 comments  0 shares

Warning - Lots of Naked Men! Legend 2 Weigh-ins! #legendfc #mma

OK,  those who know me know I'm a staunch heterosexual,  but since I have a lot of female readers (and probably a few gay males out there too),  I have an excuse for this beefy blog!

I went to the weigh ins for the Legend Fighting Championship 2 this afternoon.  I had never actually been to one of these be...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!

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