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Wild Day Out 2008 - Part 1

Man what a long day this turned out to be!  I had been looking forward to this event for a while.  I was also excited because a lot of the bands we know were going to be performing, particularly Josie!  前週末香港でとても大コンサートがありました。AnDの芸の陣何人は演じた。ジョセイ、24味、ライアン。AnDはジョセイ為にたくさんプリントを分け与えたかった。それから僕はとても早い行った。ファンスからお手伝いしてもらった。

As long time Etchy blog readers will recall,  we printed up a bunch of Alivenotdead.com fliers for Josie a few months back.  We gave away a few thousand at the time, but we have a few thousand left! So I was looking forward to this event as a chance to give away as many as possible (both to promote Josie's blog on AnD and also to clear out some space in the office!) :-D

Luckily I was able to get some help from some friends, particularly from Lisamm's friend Caihao.  He and his friends from Guangzhou were coming down early to ensure they got a good seat at the show.  The show was supposed to start at 1,  but they got there at 10.

I woke up early to get there around the same time.  I was surprised to see so many people in line.  I guess the hardcore fans get here REALLY early... the front was dominated by fans of 'Fahrenheit'...  With some help from the fans, we were able to pass out about 1/2 of the fliers here.  As everyone had a lot of time on their hands, and it was frightfully sunny,  almost everyone was willing to accept the fliers. :-D

I went home at 11 and actually took a nap for 90 minutes before going back...  :-P

The event was held at the 'PopTV Arena'  which apparently is where Kayne West performed last year.  It was quite large and they had a fancy set-up... but during the daytime all I really noticed was the lack of shade! it was HOT. 

冬けど、天気がとても暖かった!太陽多過ぎ!ビールのPRイベントから、ビールが安かった、でも水がとても高かった!WTF! (僕は酒全然飲みません!)

Besides the lack of shade, there was another serious problem...  no outside drinks were allowed, and a bottle of water was HK$30! (at any 7-11 it would be $5 or $6)... and at times the line for buying food and drinks was like 45 minutes+. But because San Miguel was sponsoring it,  beer was only $10/cup (and no line).  unfortunately I don't drink alcohol, so I was screwed.

You guessed right,  that IS a giant inflatable Elvis walking around the crowd:


Here's a video of a few bands I took during the daytime, including Ryan: ビデオを見て下さい:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jISnNvN3jFk

Yes, a man singing Alanis Morissette's 'You Oughta Know'...  when they started I was guessing he was going to change the lyrics around to be more gender suitable,  but nope, the whole thing was original... including all the naughty bits...   I think I was the only one in the crowd who really noticed and was visibly amused.  このアラニスの歌の意味分かる?女の歌ので男歌たら、とてもゲイの意味ありますよ。。。面白かった!:-P

And some more pics:

'The Arch' overlooks the concert area.  The views down here were great... 

Especially later in the day when the sun started going down. ここで景色すごいでした。

Ryan performing

Boon likes to walk up to pretty girls and flex his muscles...  I caught him in the act...

I think this was 'Tank'... he was quite popular w/ teenage girls. :-P

Here I am w/ the evening shift of my flier deployment team! :-D


Right around sunset...

Oh snap, 24! You're going to have to wait for the next blog for the 2nd part of Wild Day Out. :-P


16 年多 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
You must've been with the pretty girls too, cause I didn't see you anywhere. hahaha.
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i was trying to pick up on Inflatable Elvis' groupies...
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
actually we didn't stay for Fahrenheit... :-P
16 年多 ago
Photo 33405
didn't you like how Shan, Boon, and I were waving our arms around pretending to be teeny-boppers? haha
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i prefer to think of you guys as "young-at-heart"
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
that thing had a big fan built into it blowing air in all the time, so I think he was ok... the impressive thing was that he could walk around on stilts that long w/o falling...
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i think Pear-Shaped Elvis is still ok, Apple Shaped Elvis violates the copyrights...
16 年多 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007