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Wella Trendvision 2010 HK Hair Show!

OK,  I thought I saw it all when I went to that Tomizawa Noboru fashion event last weekend,  but little did I know that that was just the tip of the iceberg!   Gloria invited me to check out the Wella Trendvision 2010 Hair Show at Poly U later that week....  little did I know what I was getting myself in to!

Wella Trendvision is definitely pushing the state of the art in hair!   Cases in point:

Some is 'kind of' cutting edge

Some is more cutting edge...

And some is absolutely out there on the edge of the edge!

I apologize for the poor picture quality,  between the lighting and the fact that the models were moving quite a bit in this face paced show, I didn't get all the best shots I wanted...  (I really need a better camera!)

Actually things started strange and got VERY strange after the 2nd or 3rd exhibition.   Aside from just having models with different interesting hair styles come out and walk around, they also had 'live hair styling' portions,  where models would sit down and stylists would come and style their hair live on stage... 

wait,  who's that big guy in the back with the dreadlocks multi-hinged jaw?  Some really avant gard stylist?

no... any more guesses?

If you said 'Predator',  you win! :-?

The show designers actually got quite interactive,  at various points the hair models would walk around the venue as well.  Since they stuck me in the press section,  I was literally in the front row.  I was afraid I was going to trip up someone and break their hair sculpture... (actually a photographer did crash into one,  but luckily it was a dancer who had a less 'fragile' hair style.

This one seemed very Lord of The Rings Middle-Earth to me. :-P

One benefit of having them come down to the audience level was seeing the hair styles extremely close up. 

OK people... so the question is,  is it all a wig?  Can it be real?  apparently Wella makes some hair coloration products, so I'm tempted to believe that may be her real hair.  (but not the feathers and leaves...  those aren't!)

They actually did some more styling in the audience!   It was cool because basically the guy had like 90 seconds to finish whatever he was going to do so the model could join back into the show before the rest of the program ended.  

A bit strange when they broke out the hair spray though... apologies to the people sitting in the next seat over.  ;-)

They ended each chapter with a big group pose on stage before moving to the next program.  QUITE a lot of models featured... and since its a hair show,  unlike a regular fashion show,  the models couldn't run back stage and change into a different outfit and come back out... they were all just out with one look.

Aside from Gloria, there were actually a lot of familiar faces up on stage..  I've tagged a few so far,  did you recognize them? In most cases I didn't until after wards!  

Here's another one I didn't recognize at first:

Yes, that guy on the right...  any guesses?

This chapter, they went beyond just natural structures,  things started getting more artificial:

Another style off... 

Complete with its own lighting source!

Write your own caption!  ;-)

The big Finale,  everyone came out on stage in groups again.

This is Miyoko Liu.  

She had giant zipper mouths in her hair???    It kind of reminded me of that one episode of the Simpsons where Marge has a nervous breakdown from stress and big pieces of her super-tall hair start falling out leaving cavities... 

I definitely think Lady Gaga's impact on the world of hair and fashion design is quite obvious!

Lawrence Chou looks cool as a blond!   He doesn't need batteries either.

And here's Gloria...  looks like she's the tallest of the night!

After the show,  we met up with Ryan:

not actual quote:  "I think I'm going to stick w/ this style from now on..."

A few of the celeb models appeared at the signing board for more photo ops with the press:

I'm not sure who Miss Eiffel tower was,  but she definitely makes an impression.  ;-)

Not sure how, but Ella Koon managed to get the best hair style and the best outfit.  

Unlike almost everyone else,  she was wearing something you could see someone other than Lady Gaga or Boy George wearing at the next Grammy awards or Oscars. ;-)

Here's a candid I got of her talking to Tron...   as you can see... he is really Brilliant!   :-P

Sorry for all the lame jokes,  I have to say the event was actually pretty impressive, for the sheer size if nothing else...     even to someone like me who doesn't pay much attention to fashion or hair styles... 

(I still don't get why the Predator was there though!)

over 14 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
xibanyae - Miyoko is much more stunning in person than I expected from her pictures in magazines and the newspaper.
over 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
or Ripley's Bleive it or not
over 14 years ago
Photo 40915
I don't care what you say.. Ella is tres hot!
over 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Anton - I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that!
over 14 years ago


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