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Video: Lil Jon at Club Cubic in Macau @liljon

Continuing from my blog about Cubic's Grand Opening in the City of Dreams,  we came back the 2nd night (Saturday)... but what could possibly match the fun time that Flo Rida brought to the stage? 

The answer to that question was - Lil Jon.  Yes, you may know him more from the parody that Dave Chappelle portrayed on his show... ( of the guy w/ the braided hair repeatedly just saying " What?", " OK" and " Yeah!"),  but you may also recognize him as that guy who's a guest rapper in like every other hip-hop song... :-P

I actually REALLY am not a fan of so-called "Crunk" (I used to hate it with a passion when it started being played at one of the main clubs where I was living in Japan...),  but I have to say its a bit more fun when its being performed live than when its just playing on CD...  also I think as far as crunk music goes, Lil Jon is does the most tolerable crunk. :-P

I took some video this night too, but because my camera's battery was almost dead, I didn't get nearly as much footage of Lil Jon as I had of Flo Rida,  but assuming you don't mind a LOT of obscenities (not at all workplace safe), check out what I did get here:

OK, once you get over the fact that "FUCK" seems to be the lyrical centerpiece in most of the songs,  its actually a pretty fun time! :-D (I thought it was really cool when he responded to the annoying drunk girl who was impersonating his trademark "Yeah!" and "What?"  phrases (go to 1:50 in the video). :-PAs you can see from the pics, I managed to stake out another spot close up to the stage.   Definitely makes it more fun. :-PIn the video you may also have noticed that Lil Jon apparently brings his own mascot with him whereever he goes to perform -

Complete w/ metallic 'grill'...   his name is 'Little Jon'...    also in the video you can see a lot of his stage banter and music centered around the consumption of alcohol.  The one song I was perhaps most looking forward to was the popular club song 'Shots' by LMFAO (featuring Lil Jon of course).    In fact when this song came on they passed out a tray of shots... and the " What?" girl passed one to me...As I wasn't actually going to drink it,  I took the opportunity to capture me, my shot and Lil Jon in one picture. :-PThe night before I was pleasantly surprised to see that Flo Rida had retweeted me (@original_flo).  So I was eager to try to get Lil Jon to retweet me too... which did not happen,  but he apparently DID see my tweet, which also was '@nadiahatta', because he decided to follow Nadia the next morning:

Maybe Lil Jon only follows celebrities (or just women...)Anyway,  we ended up staying quite a while.  I spotted these two dancing on a platform til well into the night:

Good times in Macau for a 2nd night in a row!  Congrats again to Cubic. I need to go back again some time soon! :-P

over 13 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
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flagday - the thing is that I think he's actually a relatively normal, intelligent guy under the image and character he portrays. (between songs about getting the f*ck out and drinking, when he was talking between songs, he was actually 'falling out of character' a bit and coming across as a normal well spoken person. :-P AND I like the fact that he actually is apparently the only hip-hop star who's belt line isn't halfway down his thigh! :-P
over 13 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
over 13 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
over 13 years ago


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