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US Movie Review: 2012 (2009)

OK, apparently I'm the last person in the world who saw 2012...  I missed it in the theaters but I caught it on DVD recently.

I wasn't particularly looking forward to this film because I thought it'd be a rehash of every other global disaster movie we've seen recently...  from "Japan is Sinking" to "The Day After Tomorrow"...     well it is quite similar... except since this one is newer, you get more special effects, which means more buildings falling, more explosions, more volcanos and more giant crevasses always popping up 0.1 seconds after our heroes manage to pass through.

Actually that's one of my problems with this film... its not just a LITTLE over the top... its so over the top it becomes more of a parody than anything else.   (I could easily imagine the characters saying "ok, we need to take off,  cue the collapsing run-way that opens into a giant crack that our plane barely manages to lift out of before almost hitting some famous buildings too...")  :-P

This over-done-ness is perhaps best embodied in this very image, which also appears in the movie:

Its not just enough to have the White House get hit by a giant tsunami...  or to have an aircraft carrier get hit capsized by a giant wave... they have to have the tsunami flip the aircraft carrier over on top of the White House! (how's that for bad timing!)  ... forget the fact  that you are supposed to be a few hundred miles away from the Ocean.... 

For a movie focused on geography, you think their attention to detail would be a little bit better, but apparently Yellowstone park is somewhere where LA people head to for quick camping trips (its actually 1000+ miles away!)   oh, and somehow  Woody Harrelson's magic radio program reaches the entire western US...

anyway, you have to unplug your brain from such details... or wondering why anyone with a half decent sail boat in the open ocean wouldn't also be fine... John Cusack does a good job with the limited material.  It has a few too many lame "lets discuss humanity" and "oh no, my family is dead" acting exercises in there....   but not enough to ruin the film.

I give it a 6/10 for popcorn thrill ride entertainment only. 

14 年多 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares
Photo 34128
I was about 20 minutes into it when I decided it was some sort of dark comedy - a very funny film that way.
14 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Wisconsin is the south pole!
14 年多 ago
Photo 67601
This movie apart from the CGI was bad. Theoretically if the solar flare particals was able to penetrate ino the Earth's core then I'm pretty sure that the solar flare particals will incinerate everything on the Earth's surface. I could be wrong on this but logically I think I'm right.
14 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Mancy - i think they way they were trying to explain it was that there were 'neutrinos' being put out by the sun that were heating up the earth from the center (like how a microwave oven heats up stuff from the center). but yes, it doesn't really stand the smell test, because if plates really shifted 20 degrees in the matter of a few hours, pretty much all the water on earth would vaporize and we'd be swimming in a giant cloud for a few millenium while we were waiting for things to cool back down.
14 年多 ago


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Hong Kong
April 13, 2007