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Tomizawa Noboru @ Elements - Attack of the Ents

Remember how I said I met a director who worked on some Avex MVs last week?  well the reason they were in town was because of a fashion event held at Elements Mall last  last Sunday (Mothers Day). 

I know pretty much zero about fashion and fashion designers and in this case we weren't event talking clothes designers, we were talking about nail art design and hair styling, something  I know even less about! 

It was a fashion exhibition by the famed Japanese designr Tomizawa Noboru (冨沢・ノボル).  Actually I AM familiar with his work a bit,  as he has worked with a number of Jpop superstars, first and foremost Hamasaki Ayumi  who is a nail art trendsetter if there ever was one.

But i had no idea what I was in store for when I went to this event..... once I arrived I found out that they were going to be showing nail art design,  what I didn't know is that Tomizawa-san also did the hair for this exhibition:

You eyes aren't deceiving you!  yes, there are four models with three hair!

yes, that's right,  TREE-HAIR.  Not hair made from trees, but rather a tree made from hair -

or at least a tree stump....    It took me a while before I even noticed they were displaying nail art, i was so fixated on the TREES.... 

I couldn't help but be reminded of the ENTSin Lord of the Rings.

(the Entwives live!)

BUT keep in mind that this event was held at ELEMENTS mall, so obviously Mr. Tomizawa decided to take the whole 'wood, fire, water, earth' thing to heart...

It was hard to get the nail art on camera from the distance I was... but I think you can see in some cases they were quite big pieces on these models' hands.

this one was definitely the biggest,  it was basically green tassels affixed to the model's hands... looked a bit like pine needles... on a tree. ;-)

At the end Tomizawa Noboru made his appearance. 

Surrounded by his Ent Army...

Say what you will about the hair and the nail art, but you have to give Tomizawa-san credit,  the 'GOLDEN BOY' T-shirt was pretty cool.  ;-)

As much as I was shocked and awed by the hair styles and giant nail-based installation art,  I want to strongly encourage you guys to check out his website,  some of his work is REALLY impressive:


Thanks to Michie for inviting me to check it out!

over 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
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yes, this look is definitely not a 'daily driver'.... (to use a car term...)
over 14 years ago


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