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Tokyo Oct 08 - 秋葉stop #2

On Tuesday afternoon I met up with a friend in Akihabara.  Of course we went to a maid cafe, this time we tried Mai:lish, another popular one (no pics, sorry!). 先週火曜日昼時友達と一緒秋葉原へ行った。ゲームセンターとメード喫茶店へ行ったよ!とてもオタク事ね!

We also hit up a game center to play Street Fighter IV and to check out some of the cool Japan only games.  

This was basically a DJ version of guitar hero.  it didn't look that cool, as near as I can tell, all you do is hit the buttons and occasionally move the turntable.  

They still have DDR there too of course.  

There was only one guy playing, and he basically didn't get off the machine for a least 30 minutes.  He was completely drenched in sweat and between each song he would have to towel off...  ゲームセンターでこのダンスダンスレボルーシュンスパーオタクを見た。彼は連発プレーして、汗水漬だった!とても上手よ!何百コムボーした!

We also browsed through another interesting feature of Akihabara -  

These places rent out shelf space to private collectors.  They can display their items in these plastic boxes to sell to 3rd parties.  I'm not sure if the store only takes rent or also takes a %,  but its an interesting concept...

big market for perverted 'collectibles' here in Japan too... :-O

(and before you ask,  yes, i have the complete line of spread-eagle urinating nurses!)


We also stopped by one of the many DVD shops around here.  Look what I found in the 'Idol' section:

You know you're big when you have your own section!


Also look who I saw in a magazine rack?


Later on I met up with Nakan0, one of my old labmates from Kyushu.  He is working here in Tokyo now: 後で、長間の友達と一緒ハードロークで食べた:

We went to the Hardrock Cafe in Roppongi, and Derrick and Jason stopped by too.    This was my first time at this Hardrock, I had only been to the one in Ueno Station before... 

Now that I've visited both Tokyo locations, I safely feel I can officially proclaim the following:  The Fukuoka Hardrock Cafe kicks all the ones in Tokyo's asses. 

I have to compare Nagoya and Osaka now. 福岡のハードロークの方が良いよ!

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
Paulinec 1a img 1269
haha.. i feel that you have completely moved to Japan!! Enjoy
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
zuzu - i should have...
almost 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Hehe did you mosaic these or did you get the pics offline? If you did that's great haha.
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i had to put the mosaic in, keep this PG rated!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 96013
秋葉,I used to visit there once in a while when I was in college...but recently this place is totally has been changed!! おたくis getting better I guess...they used to be kinda creepy people..haha:P
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
still kind of creepy! :-P
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
renren - no, i haven't... i don't think i can handle it...
almost 16 years ago


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