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Tokyo Oct 08 - Night Time Shibuya Parts 1 + 2

Last tuesday also included a stop in Shibuya to meet up with some friends for a Calvin Klein event... 東京行った時、何回渋谷へ行った。このブログに渋谷の写真に有る:

I took the train over from Roppongi after dinner.  Shibuya crossing is always visually exciting:

Like a stampede of buffalo on the Great Plains... :-P

I saw an interesting billboard:

Kind of out of place for Japan... then I realized it was sponsored by 'SOD' (one of the biggest p0rn companies in Japan).... I guess no one ever got an STD from a DVD... :-P

Anyway, I eventually met up with friends at a Calvin Klein event at some gallery space.  It was apparently for perfume:

the decorations were a bit avante guard...

quite simple:  naked mannequins,  some plastic ribbon and a bunch of bottles of Obsession.


Anyway, I had to leave early because Patrick flew in that night...

but we actually came back two nights later, on Thursday night, here's some pics from then -


on his second full day in Japan patrick was very upset that he hadn't yet had a chance to have Ramen... so went to the Ichiran in Shibuya (now the FOURTH Tokyo Ichiran branch we've sampled).  Its smaller than the other ones for some reason. only two rows of 'private booths'.

Thats Pemapema-chan,  she was an Ichiran virgin...

Of course it was good!

Patrick got two bowls actually. But not everyone was full:

Some prefer Gyu-don... :-P

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
Photo 37580
almost 16 years ago
Dsc 1374
for awhile i thought u were posting up some av scene since the previous post was on STD! lol
almost 16 years ago
Photo 96013
two bowls of!! haha^^ have to try メガMEGA gyudon. and...today HAPPY HALLOWEEN ~^^
almost 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Its a hard toss up between gyudon and ramen for me...hey actually I think cuz of this blog I had a dream about ordering ramen last night though heh.
almost 16 years ago


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