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The difference between Udon and Inaniwa Udon (稲庭うどん)

Another lunch at the La Meridien Hotel at Cyberport (home of the pumpkin dessert).  This time I ate at the Japanese restaurant adjacent to the lobby, called 'Umami' (旨味).   As fish is off the menu for me,  I was considering the , but instead I tried the udon.

As you probably know, despite not eating fish, I actually like a lot of Japanese cuisine.  But having lived in Japan I have sampled enough of the 'real deal' to be wary of eating Japanese food overseas.  In Hong Kong i've had seen some real poor excuses for Japanese food,  especially my beloved 'Hakata Ramen'...    

I was a bit disappointed at first when my Udon came.  By definition, udon (wheat noodles) are FAT,  and look something like this:

(actual Shikoku udon I ate in Takamatsu back in the day)

But I was surprised when I plucked out the noodles in my bowl:

Woah, what the hell?  so thin!!! Did I order the ramen by accident?

Well thickness aside,  it actually tasted pretty good.  But I was surprised they'd get the taste right but mess up the noodles...  but after lunch I did a google search for Inaniwa Udon-

*Inaniwa (稲庭): a thin type from Akita Prefecture. A bit more here:


Learn a new thing every day! :-D

Anyway, give it a try if you are in Akita Prefecture,  or you (more likely) you see if on a menu next time you're at a decent Japanese restaurant ...or if you are in Cyberport.at meal time.   ;-)

over 14 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
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Actually lnaniwaudon is quite expensive.高級kind for Udon.we have a chance to eat this when finishing fancy Japanese course cuisine (like Kaiseki 懐石料理). The best Udon for summer,cold Inaniwa Udon(冷やし稲庭うどん);-)
over 14 years ago
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machiato - these are two different restaurants, you gotta go twice! ;-)
over 14 years ago
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hikaru - really? interesting. I think of all that i've had, I liked the Shikoku Udon the most probably... although it was quite thick and long. :-P
over 14 years ago
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ac100 - i guess they just don't take reservations... maybe they should! :-P
over 14 years ago


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