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Review: Single Blog

I went to see the late showing of 'Single Blog' at the MOS theater.  This morning i noticed that its on its way out tomorrow (cause of Ocean's 13), so tonight would probably be my last chance to see it:

its clear that its one of those lower budget HK romantic comedy / relationship type movies that seem to be popular these days (the only thing coming out besides big name productions).

One of the reasons I wanted to check it out was because Hiro has a brief appearence in it... little did I know that Andrew Lin also has a part too...

As far as a review goes:  I went into this movie expecting next to nothing (and knowing next to nothing about the plot...),  I falsely assumed it may have something to do with blogs or the internet, since the word BLOG is in the title,   but I quickly realized that the plot has nothing to do with blogs!  Its more your traditional HK sex comedy (a throw back to the good old days I suppose!)

But there is hardly much in the way of plot,  its more like a series of scenes and situations that involves a LOT of sex (absolutely nothingis shown but its pretty explicitly implied).  The plot basically tells the story of three roommates and their bizarre love and sex lives...  Rain Li (who, btw is quiteattractive) plays a relatively innocent girl , Jo Kuk plays the bad girl and Joey Yung plays the introverted one. 

Over the course of the movie there is sort of a role reversal -  Rain Li catches her boyfriend cheating and eventually transforms into a nympho who picks up guys in bars,  Jo Kuk WAS a nympho (and a mean spirited insane one at that) but somehow settles down into a one man woman...  and Joey violates every workplace rule by having a lesbian relationship with her boss...  (?!?).

The plot doesn't make too much sense, things jump around a lot with little or no explanation and the interview scenes w/ the main characters that occasionally appear don't explain things too well either.  Its best to unplug your brain and enjoy the 'adult situation' humor. 

A still from Hiro's brief cameo (before he tries to force Rain Li to engage in unspeakable acts in his Toureg.

Speaking of unspeakable acts by AnD featured artists: for those Andrew fans out there - he has several scenes as one of Rain's love interests....   He seems like a great catch when he saves her from a lonely night of drunken Jenga (i'm not making this up!) and like the rest of the movie, he has a few steamy scenes, but let me warn you,  he turns out to be just a bar owner + swinging philanderer,  so maybe skip his last scene to save yourself the pain!   :-P

HKcinemagic page (info, review, stills)

Yahoo Blog site (chinese only,  with trailer and stills)

almost 18 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
not so much with the triangles per say... but lots of the other stuff. :-P
almost 18 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
I just want to prepare the fans, before they go see it, get upset and start writing hate-mail in his guestbook! :-P
almost 18 years ago


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