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Red Cliff 2 Review 《赤壁 - 決戰天下》

Today was the opening day for Red Cliff part 2 《赤壁 - 決戰天下》 in Hong Kong.    I finished some important email at 9:40pm and managed to run from the office to Pacific Place to make the 10:10 late show.  I didn't know anyone who saw the first part and wanted to sit through the 2 hours and 20 minutes with me, so I saw it alone (something i actually do quite often). 昨日晩は赤壁2をシニマで見た。長し ゆっくりし!

My review of Red Cliff Part 1 is here!

If you watch the first movie and you didn't hate it,  you're pretty much committed to seeing the second one just to see how it ends...     I don't want to give it away,  but the film REALLY takes its time to get to the finale...    I'm thinking the edits they make for the US market (where parts one and two will be combined and shortened into one ~3 hour version) will be much tighter...

Anyway the final battle is pretty big, definitely a lot of money was spent on this film... lots of flames...

LOTS of flames...

Acting wise,  I think everyone does a good job in this part... 

but finally Lin Chiling's character (the Helen of Troy for Red Cliff), gets to do more than JUST stand around and be amazingly beautiful...

"don't make me have to spoil my amazing beauty by getting your blood all over everything this tent... "

Actually the guy who plays Cao Cao, Zhang Fengyi (張豐毅), does a great job... the bad guys always get the meatiest roles...

"What the hell is juice? Give me some drink!"

Final Verdict - its definitely expensive... its definitely long.... perhaps a bit too long... same problem as the first one:  all the arrows seem to only hit the unimportant people...

But worth watching -  6/10.

Tags:  Red Cliff 2,  Red Cliff, 赤壁 ,  Chibi, 赤壁 - 決戰天下, red cliff review,  red cliff sneak preview,  red cliff critique, 梁朝偉, 金城武, 張豐毅, 張震, 趙薇, 胡軍, 中村獅童, 林志玲, red cliff Lin Chiling. ヌード林志玲, 三國, Lin Chi Ling

over 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 22991
yep i tot cao cao was not bad. did this movie review last time too
over 15 years ago


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