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Pattaya: Indoor Gun Shooting in Pattaya

Tiffany's Shooting Range in Pattaya, including pricing![](/attachments/2012/12/28/13/23002_201212281325442.thumb.jpg)As I mentioned a few days back, I took a quick trip to Pattaya, Thailand this week.  On the second day we did scuba (another blog entry I have yet to write), but on the 3rd day I didn't have anything planned, so we decided to see what else Pattaya had to offer that wasn't sleazy and/or didn't involve the transgendered.  When we found out that gun ranges are legal in Thailand, a visit to a local shooting facility was my first choice.  I was worried that Satoko, being from Japan would not have the same enthusiasm as I, jingoistic American have about shooting,  but luckily she was curious to try it (never having an opportunity in Japan).

There are a few shooting ranges in Pattaya or nearby, but I had trouble finding reliable prices listed anywhere on the internet.  Most of them don't have prices on the websites, if they have any at all.  Forum information was limited and very dated…. (some from 6-7 years ago).   But after reviewing what was out there, we decided to try Tiffany's Shooting Range, which is actually downstairs of Pattaya's most famous Lady Boy show, at Tiffany's Theater.  

We went in the early afternoon so it was literally empty. Just us, the cashier and two attendants.    

The pricing depends on the gun size and the # of bullets and is inclusive of target, gun rental, etc.    Unfortunately they don't let you get one gun and split it between two people.    Satoko opted for the .22, which is probably a good choice for a first timer.  I haven't shot many pistols before but since it was only 100 baht (~$3.30) more for the bigger guns, I figured why not just try something bigger.  I opted for the .45.

(right now US$1 = ~30 Baht) By US standards, I'm guessing these 'per bullet' prices are not great, especially because it only takes about 2 minutes to go through 10 bullets even if you pace yourself. But if you compare to the costs in a US range of renting a gun and safety equipment, buying a target, paying a range fee, etc,  I think it's not that bad for a one time visit.  Especially if you're a tourist who doesn't have a chance to shoot guns often,  its worth trying just for the experience.

We did 10 bullets each.  As you can see, mine are much heftier. Because we were the only customers there, it was quick and easy,  we walked up, picked out our bullet size, paid, filled out some waiver forms, countersigned for each other and they give you a basket of bullets, which you pass to the attendant who brings the pistol and loads it for you.

They are apparently pretty strict about certain types of customers nowadays because over the last few years a number of foreigners have managed to kill themselves at this and other shooting ranges in Pattaya.  Apparently they're depressed or in trouble and some figure this is easier than jumping out of a building or overdosing on pills (although apparently that happens quite a bit too).   Very sad, especially for the people who work at these places to have to deal with.  As such I've heard that many of these places won't let lone foreigners in to shoot.  Probably a wise idea.

Anyway,  that security concern aside, they're pretty lax about what they let you do with the guns before and after shooting… as this is a tourist town, they let us take pictures with the guns while they're unloaded and take pics and videos while we were shooting. Actually the 2nd attendant helped take pictures for me while I was shooting because Satoko was already done. 

Look at that good form.  I was worried if she kept her elbows bent that this may happen,  but luckily they kept her arms straight. Since we are novices,  they only put the target about 1/2 way back (I'm guessing about 30-35 feet).  After the first five they pull the target back and let you see how your aim is to help you correct it. 

Satoko did pretty good for a first timer I'd say!    Although her gun only had a .22 barrel,  it seemed like the body was the same size as a "full sized" 38, etc.  as such she found it quite heavy which made aiming a bit harder.  

Here's a Viddy clip of my go with the 45: http://viddy.it/ZCxYNv

I found my aim was very skewed to the right (because I'm left handed and left 'squinted', but was holding the gun with my right hand this time… )  so I compensated and much better, as you can see.  Look at that double tap to the head! :-P 

The .45 (M1911 model I assume) isn't as bad as I thought.  after watching many youtube videos of people getting hit in the face with gun butts from the recoil,  I was gripping it very tightly with my elbows locked, but it wasn't that strong.  

After that, they prompted us to take a few action poses too…   actually at this point I was a bit surprised because they let us point the guns randomly inside the room, which I believe is technically a no-no for gun safety.  …but as they had confirmed the guns were both empty just before this, and no one else was in the place, I guess they are OK to do it.

Anyway, I recommend checking this place out if you're in Pattaya and have some free time.  I suggest going early in the day.  At night when they have their lady boy shows going on upstairs, I'm guessing its much more crowded. 

11 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
I think the point people can't argue with is the fact that the # of gun deaths in the US per capita is like 10x most "first world" nations, if not more. This pretty clearly negates the "more guns = safety" argument. gun free zones or lack of them just serves to shift the problems around (which is where this stupid argument that tragedies only happen in gun free zones comes from... those zones also happen to coincide with places where lots of people congregate, an obvious target for a mass murder aspiring nut). Anyway. I find anti-government complainers to be annoying. If they want total deregulation, go to Somalia... :-P
11 年多 ago


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April 13, 2007