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NBA, Jason Kapono, Luvabulls and Zaza

another case of random fun on a Friday night.   This was two and a half weeks back at Prive. 

The NBA was coming through HK on another one of their asian publicity tours.  Between Yao Ming and the Olympics,  US Basketball is HUGE in China.  In this case they were bringing the NBA trophy, one relatively well known player Jason Kapono from the Toronto Raptors and a group of the Chicago Bull Cheerleaders (their official name is ' The Loveabulls'...)

Here's the trophy being unveiled.  Note the MC on the left,  the event was hosted by none other than Edcon Gabriel.  It was great we finally had a chance to meet in person!

They also had a short performance by the 'Loveabulls':

Its a bit strange for me to see professional NBA-type cheerleaders performing after living out of the US for 4 years... even more strange when you're only like 5 feet away and its in a crowded nightclub in Hong Kong. :-P

They did a door prize for some gifts too.   Gloria ended up winning 2nd place -

The prize was an official NBA USB memory dongle! score!

This guy won a jersey signed by Jason Kapono. 

The funny one was the girl who won the other prize, which was an autographed basketball.  She appeared to know very little about basketball and perhaps was also a bit tipsy.  As soon as they handed the autographed ball to her, she started bouncing it on the floor, everyone kind of gasped and finally someone said: 'hey, don't bounce it, you're going to mess up the autograph!'

After the NBA event was winding down, we met up with Shan and friends and headed over to the hottest club in all of TST... 'ZAZA'(and I'm not just saying that cause its run by baller MCG...   

i'll spare you guys most of the pictures and limit myself to just two we took out on their terrace area:

Jason Tobin and Brian Burrell.  Brian was telling us about how many languages he has studied.  Amazing!

MCG came out to foist champagne upon an already inebriated crowd! what a host!

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
Photo 41044
hahah woooooooohoo
接近 16 年 ago
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amy - i have like 20 more shots if you really want to see. :-P
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 23329
接近 16 年 ago
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MCG - there are, but some people in them didn't want me posting the bad ones...
接近 16 年 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007