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Korean Movie Review: Almost Love (2006) - 청춘만화

Another one off the Korean DVD pile... i watched this a few weeks ago and have already forgotten a lot about it... that tells you something doesn't it?  :-P

Basically the generically titled ' Almost Love' is a somewhat comedic romantic melodrama...

the male lead is a young college student who's dream is to be the next Jackie Chan (hence the hair).   His childhood friend is a pretty girl who aspires to be an actress but has stage fright.

When an accident strikes and he can no longer work as a stunt-man, they finally realize their relationship is more than just friendship...

I should be a professional movie blurb writer, shouldn't I?  I make it sound like a good movie...

actually i didn't really like it.  the jokes weren't particularly funny and the relationship between the two characters didn't really get my interest. 

The Jackie Chan aspect was probably the most interesting part of the film... It probably would have been much better if they went much further in that direction and left the cookie-cutter relationship melodrama out.


over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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