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久ちゃん and 美ちゃん pt. 1

A friend, 久ちゃん from Japan I've known for a few years was visiting HK this past weekend. It was her first trip to HK, so I spent part of Friday and all of Saturday giving her the express tour.

She flew in on Friday and we met up with another friend from Japan , 美ちゃん who neither of us have seen in like 1.5 years, when left Japan and became a flight attendant now.    It was great to catch up with both of them, and they were nice enough to speak English most of the time so I wasn't left depending only on my crappy Japanese. 


We met up at the Peninsula Hotel.  Which for some reason Japanese people go nuts about.  'Afternoon Tea'...

Don't ask how much the ice cream or those scones cost... :-P


Of course a quick walk over to the waterfront.  Here's 久ちゃん and 美ちゃん:

Unfortunately the weather wasn't super clear tonight,  but it was still impressive enough I hope. ;-)  その後香港景色を見た。一番晴れじゃないけど、綺麗よ!

We took a taxi up to the peak, to try and catch the 'Symphony of Lights' show starting at 8, but i think it was too cloudy,  they didn't do it this night?!?  But thats ok,  they seemed to enjoy the view anyway.  (too bad my Canon can't take a good night picture like my Casio used to!) :-(


After checking out the view, I taught my Japanese friends the wonder of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company:

they both seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.  (here celebrating someone's birthday at the next table over).  except they wanted to get the Cajun Shrimp appetizer.  god it was HOT... my mouth was burning even on the taxi ride home. :-P

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha, i don't hate it, i like the pictures it takes well, but yeah, the low light capabilities and lack of many important 'best shot' settings (good night time one, sunset, etc) is hard to deal with. my hope is that i can eventually get my casio repaired and carry around both at once. :-P
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yeah no time to take the peak tram this time. took too long at the tea.. :-P
almost 17 years ago


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