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HKPAG party

On Halloween night,  I was lucky enough to get a chance to attend the HK Professional Actor's Guild's Halloween banquet.  It was like 40+ tables full of many of HK's actors, about 50-60% of them in some kind of costumery.... some of them quite fancy too!


I got there a bit late, but I eventually found my seat:

I got to finally meet Vincent Kok. I had just seen him hosting the Miss Asia 2007 competition three days before.  I told him I didn't think the winner was the best girl...  I didn't get a chance to ask him about the roller skating blond girl.


Recognize this general in the Kiss Army?  And yes, thats a table full of monks behind them...


As I mentioned, banquetwise it was pretty fancy.  they had a variety of gifts on the table, according to the number under my plate I wa supposed to get these sunglasses... 

I opted to put them back. :-P


They had a stage area and were doing a variety of entertainment,  (dancers, musicians, contests, auction, etc).  OF course they had MCs,  including none other than PAG president Eric Tsang (center). このパーティーで香港スター一杯、コスプレーとても上手した!例えば:曾志偉はNightmare Before Christmasのジャークでした。 I definitely gotta say he had the best costume BY FAR!  not just the clothes and white head of Jack from 'Nightmare before Christmas'...  but he was also wearing some monstor platform shoes (stilts?) that made him about 6" taller (5'10" according to the newspaper). 

Here you can see his long legs a little better.  This was during one of the games they did before dinner started,  it was a scream contest, with representatives from the different tables going up to try their luck.  Yes that is Tung Tung in the black qipao.  ハロウィーンゲームもした。黒チャーナードレースの綺麗女の子トング-トングです。

Since I'm not really down with HK TV series, nor do I speak Cantonese,  I really didn't recognize a lot of the people... (I'm more of a movie guy).   But it all appeared to be relatively humorous...

They did a buffet style dinner,  it was good but not a lot of selection of main dishes... the Duck was the best thing out there. :-P

but the desert spread was actually pretty impressive. 

Costume wise I just dressed in the black jumpsuit we got for our HK Film Awards performance last April...  The night before Don and Kevin told me they'd be wearing theirs...

But as you can see,  they went the extra mile and did some zombie make-up (accident victim make-up?).  either way, pretty bad ass...  So here we have zombie in black jumpsuit (R) and pale guy in black jumpsuit (L).

One of my favorites:

Does anyone know who this Panda girl is?  Given my fixation on Kigurumi...  this was one of my favorites.  :-P

After dinner and desert, it was time for some rock...

First up was Gene Simmons...   Correction - Ryan Hui!  He did a cover of one of his Dad's songs.  It was hard to get a good picture, since his wild hair kept obscuring his face!

Here's zombie Kevin:

He really did a kickass job on the drums this night!

Next up was this mysterious geisha hiding behind a fan:

After building up anticipation - the fan was gone and her identity was revealed:

Wow! if I didn't already know who it was, I totally wouldn't recognize Josie!

This is my favorite picture of the night... Very dramatic!

Here's a zoom-in view!

As you can see, the audience started getting into it:

A few more fun shots:

  I think the bird man was trying to get his mack on w/ Tungtung...   and Scooby Doo was trying to hump Terence's leg...

Last up, another band:

not sure who it was, but they were playing oldies covers dressed like Pirate Captain Jack Sparrow...  people started getting into it and rushed the dance floor...

Outside some of the costumed stars stopped for pics with other party guests/ fans / passersby:

Josie took the time to pass out some of her AnD fliers too!  how cool! :-D

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
blame the gregorians for making the calendar or the PAG for putting it on the 31st and not saturday night!
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yes, he had the best costume of the night.
almost 17 years ago


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