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Fukuoka Trip 2 - ハッピー to be partying all night again!

After stopping for ramen,  じゅ-chan and I walked over to one of my other favorite places to visit while I was living in this part of the Japan... one of the clubs in Fukuoka's downtown club area, which caters more towards expats and local youth (whereas Nakasu is more focused on the Japanese 'salaryman') ラーメン後、じゅーちゃんと一緒僕の前よく行ったの福岡の中央区のクラブへ行った-中州にサラリマンが多い、でもここで外国人と若日本人の方が多い。

One place we went often is called 「サ・ハッピー・コーク」...   I was pleasantly surprised to find it was packed. (used to be it was only this crowded on Saturdays).  Its a pretty no frills place,  but i prefer it that way,  just music, friendly people and fun. (oh.. and alcohol too).

Back when I lived in Japan, I actually used to come here almost every weekend... and on Wednesday nights too ...cause they had a trivia contest (I won US$500 here back in the day! ...then they immediately reduced the prize!) :-P 福岡に住んでいた時このクラブ毎週行った。週末時友達会った、水曜日晩時トリビアクイズナイトも参加した-5万円勝った事が有るよ!

Here's me, じゅ-chan (L) and the boss (R): じゅ-ちゃんと店長一緒写真を撮った:

It was great to see the boss (店長) -- He actually has an interesting story -  he started working at this place like 10+ years back as one of those poor guys who has to go around picking up glasses and cleaning up spills.

He worked his way up to manager eventually.  When the Australian guy who owned the place decided to sell and move out of Japan,  he made a deal to sell the place to the  manager.  Despite some tough competition from some big money clubs expanding from Osaka,  he has managed to keep the place packed and I was happy to learn that he just made his last payment on the place. Congrats!  店長の話が面白いよ、10年ぐらい前、一番下のスタフした、何年後、店長になった。2年前オーナーは外国へ引越ししたかったから、店長までクラブ売った。先最後の賦払いをした。おめでとう!

I was actually quite lucky to show up this particular night,  last year when I popped my head in one night I came back in town I was disappointed to see practically no familiar faces in the crowd... like going back to visit your old dorm and realizing it was now full of completely new people. :-P 

実は今夜ラッキーだった、何年前から知っているのクラブ友達居た。遅から、珍しいよ! 例えば:

But this time it turned out a few of my favorite club acquaintances from back in the day happened to show up while i was there.  Including Etchy blog favorite E-chan (introduced most recently in this blog from last august). She is still exactly the same.. still drinking kamikazes like there's no tomorrow... its been 3.5 years since I first met her, and every time I've met her since then, she has not been sober a single time. :-P

大好きなエ-ちゃん居た!僕のブログの長間ファンス多分覚えます( 例えば去年8月時)。彼女は躍る大好き、お酒も好き。。。

Also these two...  I was really happy to see 緑-chan(on the right)... she is so cool.


I haven't seen most of these guys in like a year and a half, so it was  nice to bump into them again.  Of course I invited them all to come down to HK, so maybe they'll bring their Japanese go-go dancing down to Lan Kwai Fong sometime in the near future!. :-P

extra bonus photo from the walk back to the hotel:


Can anyone (besides Zuzu) identify what they're constructing in this picture?)


16 年多 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
shorty: yes exactly. :-P
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
renren: makes me feel like a player! :-P
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Joanne - especially in Japan where upward mobility is not very easy...
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Mio - Happy is part of the name! no comment about the rest of the name! :-P
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
joanne - their system is designed to push everyone to the middle... (maybe kind of like Europe... ) :-P
16 年多 ago


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Hong Kong
April 13, 2007