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Fukuoka 10 - Nakasu Jazz Festival

Last last Saturday while I was visiting Japan I was surprised to see that Nakasu,  the local nightlife-slash-red light-district (also known as the 'Den of Scum and Villainy') was holding a live Jazz event that night.

Nakasu is actually an island formed in a fork in the Naka river right before it enters Fukuoka bay.  At at least 4 or 5 locations in and around the island large stages and sound systems were set up for life jazz performances.    Ayako wrote about it in her blog as well. Unlike Ayako,  I wasn't able to stop and enjoy the music,  I was just passing by on my way back to my hotel and just snapped a few pictures on my way through. 

This was an all female jazz group that was playing right in the middle of Nakasu.

As you can see they blocked off the road and a bunch of jazz fans had started collecting to check it out (only in Japan would you feel free to sit in the middle of a roadway without working about getting dirty...)

Actually I find this impressive and surprising for two more reasons - 1) they'd never do something like this in HK...   traffic flow demands and noise complaints wouldn't allow it.  2) This area is full of 'hostess bars' and 'snack clubs', and usually the streets are full of hostess girls trying to snag customers, so this type of classy music event is a bit of a clash! :-P

Bonus picture:

The main stage was actually located in 'Nishinakasu',  an area directly across the river.  I'm not sure who this guy is supposed to be... but he was worth stopping to take a pic! :-P

about 14 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
May be this guy is offering a new type of hostess service.
about 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
chung - no thanks!
about 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
flagday - this is the dirty part too! :-P (I think they put a plastic sheet down actually... but still!)
about 14 years ago
Photo 80548
I love the jijii!
about 14 years ago


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