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Etchy in Florida 2

The wedding stuff ended yesterday, they're off on their honeymoon by now i think. 

so we left the beach and headed inland today.  its actually my first time driving through this part of Florida....

they have some pretty snazzy neighborhoods in Palm Beach...  (wedding was actually on Singer Island).

there are also a LOT of swamps and a lot of strip malls and what not.  We made a stop for lunch and cheap gas:

a newer store...  i got the pizza of course.

our destination was Del Boca Vista...

Actually this is one of those time share communities.  my parents are doing the whole 'we'll let you stay in this glorious place for free for 2 days if you come to our no obligation 90 minute seminar!'.  Apparently they do this often.  in this case not only do they get to stay here, but they get paid $100 + a $25 gift certificate.   

The facilities looked pretty good (pool, beach volleyball court and yes, mini-golf, all free.  But I was worried that the room would be some kind of crap hole, but it actually is not bad.  its basically a 1 bedroom/2 bath service apartment...

the bedroom is pretty fancy with that big tub in the room and the giant walk-in shower in the back.   someday when i grow up i'm going to become a time-share seminar scammer too! :-P

oh, and after dinner we found out there is an indian casino nearby so we stopped.  my mom is a slot machine addict.  she played the 2 cent and 5 cent slots... I was absolutely sure she was going to lose money, she put in $25 overall but ended up getting some multi-play jackpot at the end and ultimately ended up making like $31 profit.    i don't know if I believe that there's really a system to playing slot machines.. but apparently she usually wins....)

by the time you guys read this, i'll be somewhere over the midwest,  i'm doing the Chicago-HK direct flight this time... should be something like 14-16 hours. doh! :-P

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
bob: I'll take a BJ over craps any day! :-P
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
jessbabyXXX: the same place? you sure? i think there are many of these types. ;-)
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
sirendipity: i just got an email from my mom. she said they brought in the high pressure sales people, who actually started arguing with my parents about whether or not it was a good deal or not, apparently my dad had to raise his voice to get her to stop. :-P but in the end they got their $100 + $25 walmart gift card + another free stay! (does that mean another seminar?)
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i think taking the free condo package waves your rights to not be abused to some degree. :-P
almost 17 years ago


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