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Christmas Cheer in HK...

Its kind of hard to get into the christmas spirit when you're wearing summer clothes... yesterday was pretty warm here in HK.  but that didn't stop some people from trying to promote the Christmas Spirit:


A traveling band of 'Carolers' as it were. They were roving around the Mid-levels section of HK spreading Christmas Joy!  Here they are making a stop between the Krispy Kreme and the Fat Angelos on Elgin ( google map)

Speaking of Google Maps, look who was there taking pictures:


I can't say neither their singing, nor the fact that I was wearing shorts really put me in the christmas mood, but its the thought that counts, right?

After 'brunch'  i went down to IFC to stop by and say hello to some AnD members who were in town (who apparently all forgot to bring the necessary equipment to upload the photo we took together!!!)



But I did stop to take this picture of some more 'professional' Christmas singers:

Thats the Chrsitmas tree in the IFC main atrium...  its ok,  I still prefer that really cool Golden-Techno-Santa from 2004.  :-P

クリスマス木如何ですか?2004年の「 テクノ・ゴリアテ・サンター」の法が好き。。。

Merry Christmas Everybody!  聖誕節快樂! すてきなクリスマスでありますように!

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
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its not too late for 2007! :-P
almost 17 years ago


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