On the 4th of July, Eyeh and family were kind enough to open their house and patio for an All American BBQ! 7月4日アメリカの独立記念日から僕達Eyeh君の家後ろでBBQした!
It was great weather and there was a good turnout:
Betty says: 'No Tofurkey for me!'
ベッティは” トーファーキーが要らない!"と言いました。
Brandon got this cool Transformer poster (unlicensed i'm sure) and here's a view of Eyeh's less popular selections... no salmonella fears here!
The BBQ was fun, and it was great to catch up with everyone. But the big news of the day was from XibanyaE: ' Congrats! Now the only question is, when is he coming out to HK!
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