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Baby born on New Year's Day shares birthday with parents

Did you see this? http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/01/02/new-years-baby-shares-birthday-with-parents/211...

Baby born on New Year's Day shares birthday with parents

Not to be a real nerd about this,  but the odds of three people picked at random having the same birthday are only 1 in 48 million (assuming the distribution of birthdays is even, which it probably isn't).   There are currently 115 million households in the US,  so there are probably at least 2 families like that (sharing a birthday, but not necessarily New Years Day...)

the chance of them all having the same birthday and it being Jan 1st is 1/365th of 1/48 million....  so like a 1 in 17 billion chance... (and there are probably only like 1.5-2 billion households in the world).  

BUT of course,  people CHOOSE to who to marry (hopefully),  and sharing a birthday, especially Jan 1 probably made them more likely to want to marry each other... so you can't assume thats a random chance. :-P  

The likelihood of randomly having the same birthday as your parent (by chance, without any kind of planning) is a much more frequent 1 in 133k...  Meaning about 2480 people in the US alive now born on the same day as one of their parents...  meaning probably about 6 or 7 born on January 1st.      How many of those 7 parents were weird enough to pick a partner w/ the same birthday?  

OK, I have way too much time on my hands... :-P

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