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Audiotraffic at the WBOB

Friday night i ended up taking the bus home because i didn't feel like fighting the crowds on the subway for a seat.  i was surprised to see some familiar faces on the 'roadshow' tv screens:


Adrian from Audiotraffic, Terence, Josie, Phat and Joseph  (from Hardpack)

Last night Audiotraffic performed at the World Battle of The Bands Hong Kong finals.  I didn't get there til the end of the competition.  but i was there in time for the 'special guest' performances by previous winners.  first off was 2006's 'The Train':


Not really my type of music... 

actually when i was living in Japan one thing that started getting on my nerves is listening to people w/ limited english skills trying to sing in english,  it comes out being rather incomprehensible in many cases...   'The Train' was one of those cases. :-P

Next up was everyone's favorite, Audiotraffic:

I fought to get up to the front to take some photos,  and videos! もちろんビデオ撮った、見てください!

here's my video.  its long but i don't have any full songs, just a bunch of 1 minute excerpts. :-P

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo_ABaVb120

As you can see from the video Audiotraffic really rocked out!

This was the Audiotraffic groupie section. look at all those pretty girls waiting to throw themselves on the boys in the band... and duc and stephen. :-P


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


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