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Another Evening With Bruce...

After a late night on friday, i decided to force myself to get some exercise on saturday evening.  as you guys may recall,  after i moved from the New Territories down to Kowloon, I left my bicycle in the NT and on weekends I go up and ride it around and leave it locked up at a train station until the next time.  I try to do it every weekend, but these past two months i've only been able to go a few times. 

Last time i left it in Shatin and i wanted to get a decent ride in so I rode north along the KCR line (now i guess its the 'light blue MTR line' since the two transportation companies merged). :-P

I got up to Taipo and decided 'keep going!'  so even though it was dark i did the treacherous route the rest of the way to Fanling station.  I hadn't been up this far since the summer, but it was good to get out and ride.  Total distance was 12.5 miles! (thats 20 km!)  woot!


Gmap-Pedometer.com Route map

Yes, you may notice a crudely written 'China' on that map with an arrow.. since I was only two stops away, I decided to finally make use of my renewed China visa and made a 'run for the border'.

I used to come to Shenzhen almost once a week, but now w/ the new job and expired visa, I hadn't been since August. 

But I knew my legs would be killing me after 12 miles, so I decided to take advantage of Shenzhen's absurdly cheap massage...

運動一杯したから、中国のシンゼン市の近いから、電車で中国まで入境行った、国境 の近くにマッサージ所一杯がある、とても安い!(今回2時間は~900円だけ!)でも香港出た後、まだ晩御飯食べませんと思いました。中国の綺麗レストラン見つければなりません!駅の中のマックへ行きたかった。。。安全し、速し。。。

but once i got across the border I realized i had forgotten to eat dinner... i've never eaten at any of the restaurants near the border station, so I followed a sign pointing to the new McDonalds in the Shenzhen train station (which is all fancy now compared to the last time i went in there a few years back). 

But when I got to the McD i saw a strange sight: マックの隣面白い中国の料理ファストフードレストランがありました:

huh? ’真功夫’? 'Real Kungfu'?  Let's take a closer look.... 何ですか?

Some kind of weird Bruce Lee fast food chain?   Actually the guy in the logo looks a bit more like Roger Fan than the real Bruce... not even as close as Danny Chan...   ブルース・リーレストランですか?本物?無断転載とおもいますよ。。。あまりブルースをみたくない。

I'm sure you're wondering how they could get away w/ using Bruce's picture in a fast food restaurant, maybe that's why the picture doesn't look exactly like him...  but wait, let's look inside:

Doh,  yeah thats definitely Bruce...  total rip-off.  Linda Lee must be sharpening her WTO complaint as we speak! :-P


(i didn't want to eat there because it was just chinese style fast food, and it was almost empty... so i decided to play it safe and stick w/ McD).

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
it is, but its still somewhat reasonable (~300-400 yen for a meal). when i am in china i eat at McD because its generally safer than eating in some local places... the menu is standard and you know you're not going to get food poisoning (probably!) :-P
almost 17 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I've seen those Kung Fu places quite a bit in Shanghai and Beijing. I think it's a national chain. Been around at least for the past 2 years or so.
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
they soil the memory of Bruce!
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
golden arches was next door, they had both logos next to eachother.
almost 17 years ago


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