My dear friend Andrew just turned 29. We had a birthday get together for him the other night. It was a lot of fun, lots of friends came out to help celebrate! 木曜日晩はアンドルーの誕生日だった、それから友達と一緒パーティーした。楽しかったよ!僕の写真を見て!
Here are some of the less incriminating photos(please excuse the water marks!):
We took over the back 1/3 of Racks (the HK one, not the Shanghai one)...
They say having many friends is the best kind of wealth a person can have... Andrew is obviously a very wealthy man!
Just two of the many attractive ladies who came out to celebrate with Andrew... I am jealous.
I think i ate about 1/4 of this by myself... delicious!
Oh, look who was waiting for us outside?!? i think its members of ' FBI'...
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