for those of you living in the western hemisphere, i am talking about THE FUTURE...
the olympics opening ceremony is now over on this side of the world... i just got home a few minutes ago, i watched it at Eddie's place after work.
I was running late, but i still stopped at Central station to snap a picture!
a crowd was forming... people snapping pictures...
I tried to snap a more meaningful time than 30:14... BUT...
this stupid BIZNATCH had to go and pose in front of the clock... so selfish... :-P
anyway, the opening ceremonies are pretty impressive on a technical and human logistics point of view. the march of the countries was WAAAAY too long though. :-P
there is a performance by many singers after the torch is lit, but they cut it off on the TVB Pearl (english) broadcast. the regular TVB broadcast showed some of Jackiesinging before switching to their talking heads... i also saw Vincenthosting on ATV. it was cool. ;-)
here's a picture i took during the finale... LOTS of fireworks..
to my tape delayed friends in America - do you want me to tell you who lights the flame?
(don't worry, its not Jet... )
PS - if you don't mind spoilers, go look at Scottie's blog, he has tons of frame grabs...
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