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6th Floor Rear Flat Part 1: Truth or Dare

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Truth or Dare: 6th Floor Rear Flat (2003)


I picked this one up a few weeks ago while in TST for about HKD$25. I was familiar with the film because we had attended the premiere of '6th Floor Rear Flat part two - The Happy Funeral', but I hadn't had a chance to see the original til now.

6th Floor tells the story of a bunch of HK young adults who are trying to find their way in the world... they live together in an apartment where all they seem to do is party and play 'Truth or Dare' with whoever happens to be available (including the police officers who come to tell them to be quiet). Each of the main characters (including Karena Lam and Lawrence Chou) gets their own subplot, one girl is trying to juggle two boyfriends, the other girl is in love with her never-yet-seen editor.... one of the guys is in love with girl #2, etc... (actually not all of them get equal attention... definitely too many subplots and not enough screen time or character development to go around).

The film tries to connect them all into a bigger plot of a dare - achieve their goals in a year or face unspeakable acts... but this doesn't get enough screen time to feel like a strong plot for the movie really...

The nice thing about this movie is that somewhere along the line the characters and their stories (some of them at least) end up being kind of interesting and endearing... and the story is a nice departure from the typical cheesy, sacchariny sweet happy ending cliched stories you find in most youth-oriented HK films. Apparently it was a bit of an underground hit because of this...

In contrast to the sequel... I'd say I liked the 2nd one more... I felt the plot was 'tighter'... but I got kind of annoyed at the slacker attitudes of the characters in that one too, so its hard to call it. ;-)||

about 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
Elena dd unset 18
oo...why suddenly said tht?
about 16 years ago


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