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"3D Sex and Zen" (3D肉蒲團之極樂寶鑑) World Premiere in Hong Kong

Warning,  this blog may be inappropriate for some viewers!

I was very lucky,  I managed to get one of the hottest tickets in town on Tuesday night,  to the world premiere of  "3D Sex & Zen: Extreme Ecstasy" in Hong Kong's Causeway Bay.

The invitation itself was pretty fancy:

What's behind the screen doors?


You'll note they actually rented out theaters in 3 different nearby Cineplexes.  Quite impressive!

I came early to see the public ceremony, which was held in the pedestrian section of CWB in front of Sogo.  I'm amazed the police let them set it up there in the middle of the street. (usually these types of things are done inside shopping centers).

It was real pandemonium when I arrived -

Tons of reporters and amateur photographers and what you could best describe as 'porn fans'....  (or perhaps more politely 'geeks' or 'otaku').

You gotta be a geek if you're taking pics with a tablet computer!  :-P

I'm not even sure who that was, but she was quite popular...  she went on stage and sang a song before the festivities started.

By the time the event started I moved a bit further away from the scrum..  unfortunately I have only a 3x zoom on my camera... doh. :-P

well, not that bad, you can see who's who. :-P

Group toast.

Congrats to the whole team for a successful project!

The ladies take the stage for a group picture before leaving the scene (unfortunately Hara Saori wasn't able to make it for the premiere). :-(

The funny part was they had the stars arrive and leave via rickshaw(yes they still have some here in HK,  but just as a tourist attraction, I've never actually seen anyone ride in one here either... until this night:

I guess they could only afford one rickshaw for every two actors. :-P

Hiro and Vonnie seem to be enjoying themselves though,  that's good. ;-)

Also Tony and Yukiko.   Tony plays a really awesome bad guy in the film... I wonder if he'll get nominated for an HK Film Award?

You notice what Tonys holding in his hand?   I didn't realize what it was at the time, not til I got to the theater and we got one too:

3D Sex & Zen -- the Tissue!

http://3DSexZen.com ! :-P Go check out my review of the film here if you haven't already!

After the film I went to the after party to congratulate my friends for a job well done:


I think Hiro's the next Elvis Tsui! 

over 13 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 53024
I like your cap!! :)
over 13 years ago
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Zoe - its a new sample we just got in. I should have let anyone see it early. everyone seems to like it so I think we'll order a set. ;-)
over 13 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yans - I'm curious how much double sided tape was needed to keep this outfit perfectly in place with all those photographers around. :-P
over 13 years ago


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