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28th Hong Kong Film Awards Nominee List

They've announced the nominees for the 2008 HK Film Awards! I can't find much info on it out in english yet (they haven't updated the official site yet either). 

But there's at least one article listing some of the nominees and I've also included a FULL LIST OF NOMINEES in CHINESE and (some) English Translations below.

Tin Shui Wai movie goes for glory

John Woo Yu-sen's recent Chinese historical epic Red Cliff, a biopic of Bruce Lee's kung fu master, Ip Man, and a documentary- like film about a working-class neighborhood, The Way We Are racked up the most nominations for the Hong Kong Film Awards, organizers announced yesterday.Red Cliff picked up 15 nominations and Wilson Yip Wai- shun's profile of Lee's martial arts teacher Ip Man got 12. But the biggest surprise among the leading contenders was veteran director Ann Hui On-wah's The Way We Are - a little-known movie about a single mother in Tin Shui Wai.The other best picture nominees are Hong Kong comedian Stephen Chow Sing-chi's sci-fi CJ7 and Gordon Chan Kar- seung's ghost thriller Painted Skin. Woo, Yip and Hui are also up for best director, competing against Benny Chan Ho-man (Connected) and Johnnie To Kei-fung, who was nominated for Sparrow, a playful look at a pickpocket gang.Former Cannes winner Tony Leung Chiu-wai received a nod for best actor for playing a Chinese general in Red Cliff.He faces off with action star Donnie Yen Chi-tan, who played Ip Man, Simon Yam Tat-wah in Sparrow, Nick Cheung Ka-fai from the police thriller The Beast Stalker, and heartthrob Louis Koo Tin-lok, who portrayed a gangster who struggles to give up a life of crime in Run Papa Run.China's Zhou Xun, the lead in Painted Skin, is the biggest star in the best actress competition, but she faces stiff competition from Hong Kong's Prudence Liew Mei-gwan, who won the Chinese-language equivalent of an Oscar at Taiwan's Golden Horse Awards in December for playing a sex worker in True Women for Sale.The other nominees are Paw Hee Ching from The Way We Are, Barbie Hsu Hsi-yuan from Connected, and Karena Lam Ka- yan from the romance Claustrophobia.The winners will be announced on April 19.They didn't mention that super-star Race Wong was nomined for her supporting actress role in True Women For Sale,  directed by Herman Yau.  Also congrats to Heiward Mak,  nominated for Best New Director for her film ' High Noon'Nominees in Chinese are hereand here .  I'll add some translation of the titles and names that i immediately recognize really quickly.最佳電影  - Best Picture

  《天水圍的日與夜》 Tin Shui Wai

  《赤壁》  Red Cliff

  《長江7號》  CJ 7

  《畫皮》  Painted Skin

  《葉問》 Ip Man最佳導演  Best Director

  許鞍華《天水圍的日與夜》 Ann Hui - Tin Shui Wai

  杜琪峰《文雀》 Johnny To - Sparrow

  吳宇森《赤壁》 John Woo - Red Cliff

  陳木勝《保持通話》 Benny Chan - Connected

  葉偉信《葉問》Wilson Yip - Ip Man最佳編劇  Best Screenplay

  陳淑賢、張艾嘉、胡恩威《一個好爸爸》Run Papa Run

  呂筱華《天水圍的日與夜》 Tin Shui Wai

  陳嘉上、劉浩良、鄺文偉《畫皮》 Painted Skin

  吳煒倫、林超賢《證人》 Beast Stalker

  岸西《親密》 Claustrophobia最佳男主角  Best Male Lead

  古天樂《一個好爸爸》 Louis Koo - Run Papa Run

  任達華《文雀》 Simon Yam - Sparrow

  梁朝偉《赤壁》 Tony Leung - Red Cliff

  張家輝《證人》 Nick Cheung - Beast Stalker

  甄子丹《葉問》 Donnie Yen - Ip Man最佳女主角  Best Female Lead

  鮑起靜《天水圍的日與夜》 Nina Paw - Tin Shui Wai

  劉美君《我不賣身,我賣子宮》 Prudence Liew - True Women for Sale

  徐熙媛《保持通話》 Barbie Hsu - Connected

  周迅《畫皮》 Zhou Xun - Painted Skin

  林嘉欣《親密》 Karena Lam - Claustrophobia最佳男配角 Best Supporting Male

  張豐毅《赤壁》 Red Cliff

  周星馳《長江7號》  Stephen Chow -  CJ 7


  林家棟《葉問》 Ip Man

  樊少皇《葉問》 Ip Man最佳女配角  Best Supporting Female



  趙薇《赤壁》  Zhao Wei - Red Cliff

   黃婉伶《我不賣身,我賣子宮》 Race Wong - True Women For Sale

  孫儷《畫皮》  Sun Li - Painted Skin最佳新演員  Best New Actor




  林誌玲《赤壁》  Lin Chiling - Red Cliff

  徐嬌《長江7號》 Xu Jiao -   CJ 7最佳攝影  Best  Cinematography



  呂樂、張黎《赤壁》  Red Cliff

  黃嶽泰《畫皮》 Painted Skin

  柯星沛《葉問》 Ip Man 最佳剪輯    Best Editing

  David Richardson《文雀》Sparrow

  林安兒、Robert A. Ferretti、楊紅雨《赤壁》 Red Cliff

  邱誌偉《保持通話》 Connected

  陳祺合《證人》 Beast Stalker

  張嘉輝《葉問》 Ip Man

最佳美術指導  Best Art Direction

  李仁港、馬光榮《三國之見龍卸甲》Three Kingdoms


  葉錦添《赤壁》 Red Cliff

  雷楚雄《畫皮》 Painted Skin

  麥國強《葉問》 Ip Man

最佳服裝造型設計  Best Costume Design

  莊誌良、黃明霞《三國之見龍卸甲》 Three Kingdoms



  葉錦添《赤壁》 Red Cliff

  吳寶玲《畫皮》Painted Skin

最佳動作設計  Best Action Choreography

  洪金寶《三國之見龍卸甲》- Sammo Hung - Three Kingdoms

  元奎《赤壁》 Red Cliff


  董瑋《畫皮》 Painted Skin

  洪金寶、梁小熊《葉問》 Sammo Hung, Leung Xiao Xiong - Ip Man

最佳音響效果  Best Sound Effects

  吳江、Roger Savage 《赤壁》  Red Cliff

  Chris Goodes、王磊 《保持通話》

  曾景祥、黎誌雄《畫皮》 Painted Skin


  曾景祥《葉問》 Ip Man

最佳視覺效果   Best Visual Effects

  Heather Abels《赤壁》 Red Cliff

  黃宏顯、黃宏達、羅偉豪《長江7號》   CJ 7


  吳炫輝、鄒誌盛、譚啟昆《畫皮》 Painted Skin

  黃智亨《葉問》 Ip Man

最佳原創電影音樂  Best Music

  黎允文《三國之見龍卸甲》 Three Kingdoms

  Fred Avril、Xavier Jamaux 《文雀》 Sparrow

  巖代太郎《赤壁》  Red Cliff

  藤原育郎《畫皮》 Painted Skin

  川井憲次《葉問》 Ip Man

最佳原創電影歌曲  Best Song



  心戰《赤壁》 Red Cliff


  畫心《畫皮》 Painted Skin

新晉導演  Best New Director


   麥曦茵烈日當空Heiward Mak - High Noon   岸西《親密》 Claustrophobia

最佳亞洲電影  Best Asian Film

  《非誠勿擾》If You Are the One

  《海角七號》 Cape No. 7

  《神探伽俐略》 Galileo

  《梅蘭芳》  Mei Lanfang

  《集結號》 Assembly

Congrats to all the nominees!

15 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
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yea I've checked it at Race's too^^ congrats Race~!! I really wanna see her movie.
15 年多 ago


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Hong Kong
April 13, 2007